Dear Seth...
"Seth, I'm going to miss your wit and intellect, but I will never forget the hilarious conversations during draft time or the time your mother-in-law thought it was you who was harrassing her on IM. Those will be memories I will always cherish. You were a good husband, father, and friend. I will miss you."
(duckman - 1/8/09)
"As others have mentioned on this board that Seth was our "friend" even though we never met him, saw him face to face. I had countless conversations with Seth on IM and made several deals with him over the years, in fact we used to joke about our "annual deal" that we just had to make. That is the crazy thing about the internet and the "relationships" that are built thanks to technology. I know that this is just a hobby and a game, but the relationships and friendships are REAL. My heart and prayers go out to Seth's wife and family."
(Steelers GM - 1/9/09)
"I just read this and I am completely dumbfounded. So, much of this league for me was wrapped up in his personality and contributions. I feel deep sympathy for his family and close friends. This is absolutely horrible news."
(Packers - 1/9/09)
"I am in shock at the news of Seth's passing. My prayers go out to his wife and family and the unborn child that will never meet his or her father. Which as a father of four breaks my heart what this family has been through. Even though i have never met Seth, i still feel a friend has gone and he will be greatly missed."
(WelshWizard - 1/9/09)
"I have been here but a short time and found myself deeply honored that a man that had dealt with the loss that he had recently would allow us to share in his life at that moment. I was moved, profoundly touched. I now find myself feeling as all of you are. Unbelieving, amazed that this could happen to this man, his family."
(nbryant - 1/9/09)
"Seth will be missed greatly as he is a big cornerstone of the league. As I was explaining to my wife what I knew, we both cried a little and said a prayer."
(fjvieane - 1/10/09)
"You know, me and Seth spoke pretty often and I always thought he was an awesome guy. Regardless I didn't envision feeling this way over this whole thing, but man I really can not shake this. It is absolutely amazing....I never met the guy and we only had online conversations but I really feel as if someone I really knew has passed. Every time I think about Seth I get really upset. I honestly can not believe this has happened."
(ESPN - 1/10/09)
"I feel so bad for Seth's family. I hadn't really checked this board or FOFC in the last week or so, and when I saw and read this thread, it just hit me right in that certain part of the heart."
(General Mike - 1/12/09)
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Also, read About Seth and get to know His Personality.