Exhibition Week 5, 2068

Played in Houston, TX, weather: 66 degrees, fair, calm.
Houston won the toss and elected to receive.
Start of first quarter.
(1Q: 15:00) Dave Kristosik kicked off 53 yards from the MIN35. Willie Dodge returned the ball 30 yards to the HOU42. Tackled by Anthony Rice.
1-10-HOU42 (1Q: 14:23) Rick Tate pass was dropped by WR Carlton Blalock.
OFFENSE023 Personnel, ShotgunDEFENSE43 Under, Nickel Personnel, Press-2
QB R.Tate
***LDE D.FruthRush Passer+++
X(SE) P.OgdenOutlet, 9 Fade (27-39)+++1tcDT P.SellRush Passer+++
TE D.SharberSecondary, 2 Slant (5-8)+++3tcDT D.ButtsRush Passer+++
Z(FL) C.GainesOutlet, W Wheel (9-18)+++RDE J.HamptonRush Passer+++
SLOT C.BlalockPrimary, 2 Slant (5-8)---MLB D.D'AmatoShort Zone+++
TE G.PersonOutlet, S Screen (S)+++WLB R.RodgersShort Zone+++
LT D.Cochrane
+++LCB A.MulhollonBump and Run+++
LG J.Berry
+++RCB G.SidhartaBump and Run+++
C B.Stevenson
+++NB B.FullerShort Zone+++
RG M.Bernard
+++SS B.CodekeDeep Zone+++
RT B.Wynn
+++FS D.ReidDeep Zone+++
2-10-HOU42 (1Q: 14:16) Willie Dodge ran inside the left tackle for 3 yards. Tackled by DT Darrin Butts.
OFFENSE203 Personnel, I formationDEFENSE43 Under, Nickel Personnel, Cover-2
QB R.Tate
***LDE D.FruthIn Box+++
X(SE) P.Ogden
+++1tcDT P.SellIn Box+++
SLOT C.Blalock
+++3tcDT D.ButtsIn Box+++
Z(FL) C.Gaines
+++RDE J.HamptonIn Box+++
RB W.DodgeBall Carrier+++MLB D.D'AmatoIn Box+++
FB E.Adderley
+++WLB R.RodgersIn Box+++
LT D.Cochrane
+++LCB A.MulhollonOut of Box+++
LG J.Berry
+++RCB G.SidhartaOut of Box+++
C B.Stevenson
+++NB B.FullerOut of Box+++
RG M.Bernard
+++SS B.CodekeOut of Box+++
RT B.Wynn
+++FS D.ReidOut of Box+++
3-7-HOU45 (1Q: 13:51) Rick Tate pass was dropped by RB Nicky Castillo.
OFFENSE122 Personnel, Weak formation, ShotgunDEFENSE43 Under, Regular Personnel, Tampa-2
QB R.Tate
***LDE S.WycheRush Passer+++
X(SE) P.OgdenOutlet, 5 Deep Out (13-18)+++1tcDT R.FoxRush Passer+++
TE D.SharberOutlet, W Wheel (9-18)+++3tcDT D.ZoellnerRush Passer+++
Z(FL) C.GainesOutlet, 5 Deep Out (13-18)+++RDE J.HamptonRush Passer+++
RB N.CastilloPrimary, S Screen (S)---SLB D.D'AmatoShort Zone+++
TE G.PersonSecondary, 4 Curl (9-12)+++MLB C.BeyerDeep Zone+++
LT D.Cochrane
+++WLB J.BuelShort Zone+++
LG J.Berry
+++LCB G.SidhartaMan-to-Man+++
C B.Stevenson
+++RCB J.BarkerMan-to-Man+++
RG M.Bernard
+++SS D.ReidDeep Zone---
RT B.Wynn
+++FS B.FullerDeep Zone+++
4-7-HOU45 (1Q: 13:45) Malachi Sutter punted 55 yards. Touchback.
1-10-MIN20 (1Q: 13:40) Deon Haworth ran a reverse around left end for 1 yard. Tackled by OLB Mack Benton, assisted by S Damon Webb.
OFFENSE014 Personnel, ShotgunDEFENSE34 Eagle, Dime Personnel, Cover-2
QB J.Jones
***LDE J.SampsonIn Box+++
X(SE) J.Nardi
+++1tcDT C.WilliamsonIn Box---
TE J.Waite
---RDE D.RodmanIn Box+++
Z(FL) D.HaworthBall Carrier+++SLB M.KingIn Box+++
SLOT B.Branch
+++WLB M.BentonIn Box+++
+++LCB J.AdlerOut of Box+++
LT M.Manard
+++RCB A.KulagaOut of Box+++
LG H.Maldonado
+++NB D.EnmanOut of Box+++
C E.Lake
+++DB G.HallOut of Box+++
RG D.Delhomme
---SS D.WebbOut of Box+++
RT D.Newman
+++FS M.ReedOut of Box+++
2-9-MIN21 (1Q: 13:11) Ricardo Rodgers ran inside the left tackle for 5 yards. Tackled by ILB Emmitt Collier.
OFFENSE212 Personnel, Pro formation, ShotgunDEFENSE34 Eagle, Regular Personnel, Cover-2
QB J.Jones
***LDE D.RodmanIn Box+++
X(SE) H.Ford
+++1tcDT S.JohannsonIn Box---
TE J.Waite
+++RDE R.BennettIn Box+++
Z(FL) J.Nardi
+++SLB M.BentonIn Box+++
RB R.RodgersBall Carrier+++SILB D.GrieseIn Box+++
FB O.Lerma
+++WILB E.CollierIn Box+++
LT M.Manard
+++WLB E.McDanielIn Box+++
LG H.Maldonado
+++LCB D.EnmanOut of Box+++
C E.Lake
---RCB J.AdlerOut of Box+++
RG D.Delhomme
+++SS A.KershawOut of Box+++
RT D.Newman
+++FS L.HolmesOut of Box+++
3-4-MIN26 (1Q: 12:33) Ricardo Rodgers ran a counterplay inside the left tackle for 2 yards. Tackled by CB James Adler.
OFFENSE113t Personnel, Strong formation, PistolDEFENSE34 Eagle, Nickel Personnel, Cover-3 Cloud
QB J.Jones
***LDE J.SampsonIn Box+++
X(SE) C.Farmer
+++1tcDT C.WilliamsonIn Box+++
TE J.Waite
+++RDE D.RodmanIn Box+++
Z(FL) D.Haworth
+++SLB M.KingIn Box+++
RB R.RodgersBall Carrier+++SILB E.CollierIn Box+++
SLOT J.Nardi
+++WLB E.McDanielIn Box+++
LT M.Manard
+++LCB J.AdlerOut of Box+++
LG H.Maldonado
---RCB A.KulagaOut of Box+++
C E.Lake
+++NB G.HallOut of Box+++
RG D.Delhomme
+++SS D.WebbOut of Box+++
RT D.Newman
+++FS M.ReedOut of Box+++
4-2-MIN28 (1Q: 12:05) John Widell punted 53 yards. Matt King returned the kick 7 yards to the HOU26. Tackled by Santiago Wyche.
1-10-HOU26 (1Q: 11:54) Willie Dodge ran a draw inside the right guard for 2 yards. Tackled by DT Darrin Butts.
OFFENSE113 Personnel, Weak formationDEFENSE43 Under, Nickel Personnel, Man to Man
QB R.Tate
***LDE D.FruthIn Box+++
X(SE) P.Ogden
+++1tcDT P.SellIn Box+++
TE D.Sharber
+++3tcDT D.ButtsIn Box+++
Z(FL) C.Gaines
+++RDE J.HamptonIn Box+++
RB W.DodgeBall Carrier+++MLB D.D'AmatoIn Box+++
SLOT C.Blalock
+++WLB R.RodgersIn Box+++
LT D.Cochrane
---LCB A.MulhollonOut of Box+++
LG J.Berry
+++RCB G.SidhartaOut of Box+++
C B.Stevenson
+++NB B.FullerOut of Box+++
RG M.Bernard
+++SS B.CodekeOut of Box+++
RT B.Wynn
+++FS D.ReidOut of Box+++
2-8-HOU28 (1Q: 11:11) Rick Tate pass completed to RB Willie Dodge for 1 yard. Tackled by ILB Devan D'Amato. Dodge gained 3 yards after the catch.
OFFENSE113t Personnel, Strong formation, ShotgunDEFENSE43 Under, Nickel Personnel, Cover-1
QB R.Tate
***LDE D.FruthRush Passer+++
X(SE) P.OgdenOutlet, 0 Dig (0-4)---1tcDT P.SellRush Passer+++
TE D.SharberProtect+++3tcDT D.ButtsRush Passer+++
Z(FL) C.GainesOutlet, W Wheel (9-18)+++RDE J.HamptonRush Passer+++
RB W.DodgePrimary, S Screen (S)+++MLB D.D'AmatoShort Zone---
SLOT C.BlalockSecondary, 4 Curl (9-12)+++WLB R.RodgersShort Zone+++
LT D.Cochrane
+++LCB A.MulhollonMan-to-Man+++
LG J.Berry
+++RCB G.SidhartaMan-to-Man+++
C B.Stevenson
+++NB B.FullerMan-to-Man+++
RG M.Bernard
+++SS B.CodekeMan-to-Man+++
RT B.Wynn
+++FS D.ReidDeep Zone+++
3-7-HOU29 (1Q: 10:34) Rick Tate pass completed to WR Philip Ogden for 3 yards. Tackled by S Darrin Reid. Ogden gained 3 yards after the catch.
OFFENSE113t Personnel, Weak formation, ShotgunDEFENSE43 Under, Nickel Personnel, Press-2
QB R.Tate
***LDE S.WycheRush Passer+++
X(SE) P.OgdenSecondary, S Screen (S)+++1tcDT R.FoxRush Passer+++
TE D.SharberOutlet, 6 Deep In (13-18)+++3tcDT D.ZoellnerRush Passer+++
Z(FL) C.GainesOutlet, 7 Corner (19-26)+++RDE J.HamptonRush Passer+++
RB N.CastilloProtect+++MLB D.D'AmatoShort Zone+++
SLOT C.BlalockPrimary, 0 Dig (0-4)+++WLB C.BeyerShort Zone---
LT D.Cochrane
+++LCB J.BuelBump and Run---
LG J.Berry
+++RCB G.SidhartaBump and Run+++
C B.Stevenson
+++NB J.BarkerShort Zone+++
RG M.Bernard
+++SS D.ReidDeep Zone+++
RT B.Wynn
+++FS B.FullerDeep Zone+++
4-4-HOU32 (1Q: 10:01) Malachi Sutter punted 43 yards. Marc Hopper returned the kick 5 yards to the MIN30. Tackled by Brendan Stevenson.
1-10-MIN30 (1Q: 09:52) Anthony Rice ran inside the left tackle for 2 yards. Tackled by DT Steve Johannson.
OFFENSE113t Personnel, I formationDEFENSE34 Eagle, Nickel Personnel, Cover-3 Sky
QB J.Jones
***LDE D.RodmanIn Box+++
X(SE) C.Farmer
+++1tcDT S.JohannsonIn Box+++
TE J.Waite
+++RDE R.BennettIn Box+++
Z(FL) D.Haworth
+++SLB M.BentonIn Box---
RB A.RiceBall Carrier+++SILB D.GrieseIn Box+++
SLOT J.Nardi
+++WLB E.McDanielIn Box+++
LT M.Manard
+++LCB D.EnmanOut of Box+++
LG H.Maldonado
+++RCB J.AdlerOut of Box+++
C E.Lake
+++NB A.KulagaOut of Box+++
RG D.Delhomme
---SS A.KershawOut of Box+++
RT D.Newman
+++FS L.HolmesOut of Box+++
2-8-MIN32 (1Q: 09:15) Anthony Rice ran inside the right guard for 1 yard. Tackled by DE Donald Rodman.
OFFENSE113 Personnel, I formationDEFENSE34 Eagle, Nickel Personnel, Cover-3 Cloud
QB J.Jones
***LDE D.RodmanIn Box+++
X(SE) C.Farmer
+++1tcDT S.JohannsonIn Box+++
TE J.Waite
+++RDE R.BennettIn Box+++
Z(FL) D.Haworth
+++SLB M.BentonIn Box+++
RB A.RiceBall Carrier+++SILB D.GrieseIn Box+++
SLOT J.Nardi
+++WLB E.McDanielIn Box+++
LT M.Manard
+++LCB D.EnmanOut of Box+++
LG H.Maldonado
+++RCB J.AdlerOut of Box+++
C E.Lake
+++NB A.KulagaOut of Box+++
RG D.Delhomme
+++SS A.KershawOut of Box+++
RT D.Newman
+++FS L.HolmesOut of Box+++
3-7-MIN33 (1Q: 08:36) Jeff Jones pass was blocked at the line, intended for TE Jaylen Waite. DE Donald Rodman blocked the pass.
OFFENSE122 Personnel, Strong formation, ShotgunDEFENSE34 Eagle, Regular Personnel, Cover-3 Sky
QB J.Jones
***LDE J.SampsonRush Passer+++
X(SE) D.ComegysOutlet, 5 Deep Out (13-18)---1tcDT C.WilliamsonRush Passer+++
TE C.LegetteOutlet, 2 Slant (5-8)+++RDE D.RodmanRush Passer+++
Z(FL) D.HaworthSecondary, W Wheel (9-18)---SLB M.KingShort Zone+++
RB R.RodgersOutlet, S Screen (S)+++SILB E.CollierShort Zone+++
TE J.WaitePrimary, 1 Out (5-8)+++WILB E.McDanielShort Zone+++
LT M.Manard
+++WLB J.AdlerBlitz Passer+++
LG H.Maldonado
+++LCB A.KulagaDeep Zone+++
C E.Lake
+++RCB G.HallDeep Zone+++
RG D.Delhomme
+++SS D.WebbShort Zone+++
RT D.Newman
+++FS M.ReedDeep Zone+++
4-7-MIN33 (1Q: 08:31) John Widell punted 51 yards. Matt King returned the kick 5 yards to the HOU21. Tackled by Anthony Rice.
1-10-HOU21 (1Q: 08:21) Avery Harmon ran inside the left tackle for 12 yards. Tackled by ILB Cornell Beyer, assisted by DT Phil Sell. Key block delivered by Micah Bernard.
OFFENSE212 Personnel, Pro formation, ShotgunDEFENSE43 Under, Regular Personnel, Man to Man
QB R.Tate
***LDE M.SheaIn Box+++
X(SE) P.Ogden
+++1tcDT P.SellIn Box---
TE D.Sharber
+++3tcDT D.ButtsIn Box+++
Z(FL) C.Gaines
+++RDE L.HartmanIn Box+++
RB A.HarmonBall Carrier+++SLB R.RodgersIn Box+++
FB E.Adderley
+++MLB C.BeyerIn Box+++
LT D.Cochrane
+++WLB S.WycheIn Box+++
LG J.Berry
+++LCB J.BarkerOut of Box+++
C B.Stevenson
+++RCB G.SidhartaOut of Box+++
RG M.Bernard
+++SS D.ReidOut of Box+++
RT B.Wynn
+++FS B.FullerOut of Box+++
1-10-HOU33 (1Q: 07:55) Willie Dodge ran around the left tackle for 25 yards. Tackled by CB Gus Sidharta. Key block delivered by Dean Cochrane.
OFFENSE113 Personnel, I formationDEFENSE43 Under, Nickel Personnel, Press-2
QB R.Tate
***LDE D.FruthIn Box---
X(SE) P.Ogden
+++1tcDT P.SellIn Box+++
TE D.Sharber
+++3tcDT D.ButtsIn Box+++
Z(FL) C.Gaines
+++RDE J.HamptonIn Box+++
RB W.DodgeBall Carrier+++MLB D.D'AmatoIn Box---
SLOT C.Blalock
+++WLB R.RodgersIn Box+++
LT D.Cochrane
+++LCB A.MulhollonOut of Box+++
LG J.Berry
+++RCB G.SidhartaOut of Box---
C B.Stevenson
+++NB B.FullerOut of Box+++
RG M.Bernard
+++SS B.CodekeOut of Box+++
RT B.Wynn
+++FS D.ReidOut of Box+++
1-10-MIN42 (1Q: 07:12) Play-Action. Rick Tate scrambled for 8 yards. Tackled by S Bradley Codeke.
OFFENSE113 Personnel, I formationDEFENSE43 Under, Nickel Personnel, Man to Man
QB R.Tate
***LDE D.FruthRush Passer+++
X(SE) P.OgdenPrimary, 1 Out (5-8)+++1tcDT P.SellRush Passer+++
TE D.SharberOutlet, 0 Dig (0-4)+++3tcDT D.ButtsRush Passer+++
Z(FL) C.GainesSecondary, 9 Fade (27-39)---RDE J.HamptonRush Passer+++
RB W.DodgeOutlet, 0 Dig (0-4)+++MLB D.D'AmatoShort Zone+++
SLOT C.BlalockOutlet, 5 Deep Out (13-18)+++WLB R.RodgersBump and Run+++
LT D.Cochrane
+++LCB A.MulhollonBlitz Passer+++
LG J.Berry
+++RCB G.SidhartaBump and Run+++
C B.Stevenson
+++NB B.FullerBump and Run+++
RG M.Bernard
+++SS B.CodekeBump and Run+++
RT B.Wynn
---FS D.ReidBump and Run+++
2-2-MIN34 (1Q: 06:40) Philip Ogden ran a reverse around right end for 8 yards. Tackled by DE Mason Shea, assisted by OLB Robert Rodgers. Key block delivered by Brendan Stevenson.
OFFENSE122 Personnel, Pro formationDEFENSE43 Under, Regular Personnel, Man to Man
QB R.Tate
***LDE M.SheaIn Box---
X(SE) P.OgdenBall Carrier+++1tcDT P.SellIn Box+++
TE D.Sharber
+++3tcDT D.ButtsIn Box+++
Z(FL) C.Gaines
+++RDE L.HartmanIn Box+++
RB W.Dodge
+++SLB R.RodgersIn Box+++
TE G.Person
+++MLB C.BeyerIn Box+++
LT D.Cochrane
+++WLB S.WycheIn Box+++
LG J.Berry
+++LCB J.BarkerOut of Box+++
C B.Stevenson
+++RCB G.SidhartaOut of Box---
RG M.Bernard
+++SS D.ReidOut of Box+++
RT B.Wynn
+++FS B.FullerOut of Box+++
1-10-MIN26 (1Q: 05:57) Willie Dodge ran outside the right tackle for 1 yard. Tackled by OLB Robert Rodgers.
OFFENSE113t Personnel, I formationDEFENSE43 Under, Nickel Personnel, Cover-1
QB R.Tate
***LDE D.FruthIn Box+++
X(SE) P.Ogden
+++1tcDT P.SellIn Box+++
TE D.Sharber
---3tcDT D.ButtsIn Box---
Z(FL) C.Gaines
+++RDE J.HamptonIn Box+++
RB W.DodgeBall Carrier---MLB D.D'AmatoIn Box+++
SLOT C.Blalock
+++WLB R.RodgersIn Box+++
LT D.Cochrane
---LCB A.MulhollonOut of Box+++
LG J.Berry
+++RCB G.SidhartaOut of Box+++
C B.Stevenson
+++NB B.FullerOut of Box+++
RG M.Bernard
+++SS B.CodekeOut of Box+++
RT B.Wynn
+++FS D.ReidOut of Box+++
2-9-MIN25 (1Q: 05:12) Rick Tate pass completed to WR Carlton Blalock for 14 yards. Tackled by S Brayden Fuller.
OFFENSE113t Personnel, I formationDEFENSE43 Under, Nickel Personnel, Man to Man
QB R.Tate
***LDE D.FruthRush Passer+++
X(SE) P.OgdenPrimary, 4 Curl (9-12)+++1tcDT P.SellRush Passer+++
TE D.SharberOutlet, 4 Curl (9-12)+++3tcDT D.ButtsRush Passer---
Z(FL) C.GainesOutlet, 5 Deep Out (13-18)+++RDE J.HamptonRush Passer+++
RB W.DodgeOutlet, W Wheel (9-18)+++MLB D.D'AmatoBlitz Passer+++
SLOT C.BlalockSecondary, 6 Deep In (13-18)+++WLB R.RodgersShort Zone+++
LT D.Cochrane
+++LCB A.MulhollonBump and Run+++
LG J.Berry
+++RCB G.SidhartaBump and Run+++
C B.Stevenson
+++NB B.FullerBump and Run---
RG M.Bernard
+++SS B.CodekeBump and Run+++
RT B.Wynn
+++FS D.ReidBump and Run+++
1-10-MIN11 (1Q: 04:31) Rick Tate pass completed to WR Carlton Blalock for 11 yards and a TOUCHDOWN! Blalock gained 12 yards after the catch. Houston 6, Minnesota 0
OFFENSE014t Personnel, ShotgunDEFENSE43 Under, Dime Personnel, Press-1
QB R.Tate
***LDE L.HartmanRush Passer+++
X(SE) P.OgdenPrimary, 1 Out (5-8)+++1tcDT R.FoxRush Passer+++
TE D.SharberSecondary, 5 Deep Out (13-18)+++3tcDT D.ZoellnerRush Passer+++
Z(FL) C.GainesOutlet, F Flat (0-4)+++RDE D.FruthRush Passer+++
SLOT C.BlalockOutlet, S Screen (S)+++MLB C.BeyerBlitz Passer+++
SLOT M.KingOutlet, F Flat (0-4)+++LCB J.BarkerBump and Run+++
LT D.Cochrane
+++RCB M.HopperBump and Run+++
LG J.Berry
+++NB G.SidhartaBump and Run+++
C B.Stevenson
+++DB J.BuelShort Zone+++
RG M.Bernard
+++SS B.CodekeBump and Run+++
RT B.Wynn
+++FS B.FullerDeep Zone+++
(1Q: 04:31) Extra point by Broderick Hillman was good. Houston 7, Minnesota 0
(1Q: 04:24) Broderick Hillman kicked off 74 yards from the HOU35. Touchback.
1-10-MIN25 (1Q: 04:24) Anthony Rice ran outside the right tackle for 1 yard. Tackled by OLB Eric McDaniel.
OFFENSE113t Personnel, I formationDEFENSE34 Eagle, Nickel Personnel, Cover-3 Sky
QB J.Jones
***LDE D.RodmanIn Box+++
X(SE) C.Farmer
+++1tcDT S.JohannsonIn Box+++
TE J.Waite
+++RDE R.BennettIn Box+++
Z(FL) D.Haworth
+++SLB M.BentonIn Box+++
RB A.RiceBall Carrier+++SILB D.GrieseIn Box+++
SLOT J.Nardi
+++WLB E.McDanielIn Box+++
LT M.Manard
+++LCB D.EnmanOut of Box+++
LG H.Maldonado
+++RCB J.AdlerOut of Box+++
C E.Lake
+++NB A.KulagaOut of Box+++
RG D.Delhomme
---SS A.KershawOut of Box+++
RT D.Newman
+++FS L.HolmesOut of Box+++
2-9-MIN26 (1Q: 03:54) Ricardo Rodgers ran inside the right guard for 4 yards. Tackled by S Les Holmes.
OFFENSE122 Personnel, Strong formation, ShotgunDEFENSE34 Eagle, Regular Personnel, Cover-3 Sky
QB J.Jones
***LDE D.RodmanIn Box+++
X(SE) D.Comegys
+++1tcDT S.JohannsonIn Box+++
TE C.Legette
+++RDE R.BennettIn Box---
Z(FL) D.Haworth
+++SLB M.BentonIn Box---
RB R.RodgersBall Carrier+++SILB D.GrieseIn Box+++
TE J.Waite
+++WILB E.CollierIn Box+++
LT M.Manard
---WLB E.McDanielIn Box+++
LG H.Maldonado
+++LCB D.EnmanOut of Box+++
C E.Lake
+++RCB J.AdlerOut of Box+++
RG D.Delhomme
+++SS A.KershawOut of Box+++
RT D.Newman
+++FS L.HolmesOut of Box+++
3-5-MIN30 (1Q: 03:09) Play-Action. Jeff Jones scrambled for 5 yards. Tackled by CB Gene Hall.
OFFENSE113 Personnel, I formationDEFENSE34 Eagle, Nickel Personnel, Cover-3 Cloud
QB J.Jones
***LDE J.SampsonRush Passer+++
X(SE) C.FarmerSecondary, 3 Comeback (9-12)---1tcDT C.WilliamsonRush Passer+++
TE J.WaiteOutlet, 2 Slant (5-8)+++RDE D.RodmanRush Passer+++
Z(FL) D.HaworthPrimary, 1 Out (5-8)+++SLB M.KingShort Zone+++
RB R.RodgersOutlet, S Screen (S)+++SILB E.CollierBlitz Passer+++
SLOT J.NardiOutlet, 2 Slant (5-8)+++WLB E.McDanielShort Zone+++
LT M.Manard
+++LCB J.AdlerMan-to-Man+++
LG H.Maldonado
+++RCB A.KulagaShort Zone+++
C E.Lake
+++NB G.HallDeep Zone+++
RG D.Delhomme
+++SS D.WebbDeep Zone+++
RT D.Newman
+++FS M.ReedDeep Zone+++
1-10-MIN35 (1Q: 02:39) Ricardo Rodgers ran inside the left tackle for 2 yards. Tackled by OLB Eric McDaniel.
OFFENSE212 Personnel, Pro formation, ShotgunDEFENSE34 Eagle, Regular Personnel, Cover-2
QB J.Jones
***LDE D.RodmanIn Box+++
X(SE) H.Ford
+++1tcDT S.JohannsonIn Box---
TE J.Waite
+++RDE R.BennettIn Box+++
Z(FL) J.Nardi
+++SLB M.BentonIn Box+++
RB R.RodgersBall Carrier+++SILB D.GrieseIn Box+++
FB O.Lerma
---WILB E.CollierIn Box---
LT M.Manard
---WLB E.McDanielIn Box+++
LG H.Maldonado
---LCB D.EnmanOut of Box+++
C E.Lake
+++RCB J.AdlerOut of Box+++
RG D.Delhomme
+++SS A.KershawOut of Box+++
RT D.Newman
+++FS L.HolmesOut of Box+++
2-8-MIN37 (1Q: 02:01) Jeff Jones sacked by ILB Dale Griese for a loss of 7 yards. Sack allowed by Harry Maldonado.
OFFENSE113 Personnel, Pro formationDEFENSE34 Eagle, Nickel Personnel, Cover-3 Sky
QB J.Jones
***LDE D.RodmanRush Passer+++
X(SE) C.FarmerSecondary, 1 Out (5-8)+++1tcDT S.JohannsonRush Passer+++
TE J.WaiteOutlet, S Screen (S)---RDE R.BennettRush Passer+++
Z(FL) D.HaworthOutlet, 8 Post (19-26)+++SLB M.BentonShort Zone+++
RB A.RiceOutlet, S Screen (S)+++SILB D.GrieseBlitz Passer+++
SLOT J.NardiPrimary, 2 Slant (5-8)+++WLB E.McDanielShort Zone+++
LT M.Manard
+++LCB D.EnmanShort Zone+++
LG H.Maldonado
---RCB J.AdlerDeep Zone+++
C E.Lake
+++NB A.KulagaDeep Zone+++
RG D.Delhomme
+++SS A.KershawShort Zone+++
RT D.Newman
+++FS L.HolmesDeep Zone+++
3-15-MIN30 (1Q: 01:15) Jeff Jones pass fell incomplete, intended for TE Jaylen Waite. OLB Eric McDaniel knocked the ball out of his grasp.
OFFENSE122 Personnel, Weak formation, ShotgunDEFENSE34 Eagle, Regular Personnel, Cover-3 Sky
QB J.Jones
***LDE J.SampsonRush Passer+++
X(SE) D.ComegysOutlet, 0 Dig (0-4)+++1tcDT C.WilliamsonRush Passer+++
TE C.LegettePrimary, W Wheel (9-18)+++RDE D.RodmanRush Passer+++
Z(FL) D.HaworthOutlet, 4 Curl (9-12)+++SLB M.KingShort Zone+++
RB R.RodgersOutlet, S Screen (S)+++SILB E.CollierShort Zone+++
TE J.WaiteSecondary, W Wheel (9-18)+++WILB E.McDanielShort Zone+++
LT M.Manard
+++WLB J.AdlerBlitz Passer+++
LG H.Maldonado
+++LCB A.KulagaDeep Zone+++
C E.Lake
+++RCB G.HallDeep Zone+++
RG D.Delhomme
+++SS D.WebbShort Zone+++
RT D.Newman
+++FS M.ReedDeep Zone+++
4-15-MIN30 (1Q: 01:06) John Widell punted 47 yards. Matt King called for a fair catch at the HOU23.
1-10-HOU23 (1Q: 00:57) Rick Tate pass completed to WR Chester Gaines for 40 yards. Tackled by S Darrin Reid. The receiver ran his route right over the middle of the field. Gaines gained 21 yards after the catch.
OFFENSE122 Personnel, Weak formationDEFENSE43 Under, Regular Personnel, Cover-2
QB R.Tate
***LDE M.SheaRush Passer+++
X(SE) P.OgdenPrimary, 7 Corner (19-26)+++1tcDT P.SellRush Passer+++
TE D.SharberProtect+++3tcDT D.ButtsRush Passer+++
Z(FL) C.GainesSecondary, 8 Post (19-26)+++RDE L.HartmanRush Passer+++
RB W.DodgeOutlet, S Screen (S)+++SLB R.RodgersShort Zone---
TE G.PersonOutlet, 9 Fade (27-39)+++MLB C.BeyerShort Zone+++
LT D.Cochrane
+++WLB S.WycheShort Zone+++
LG J.Berry
+++LCB J.BarkerMan-to-Man+++
C B.Stevenson
+++RCB G.SidhartaMan-to-Man+++
RG M.Bernard
+++SS D.ReidDeep Zone+++
RT B.Wynn
+++FS B.FullerDeep Zone---
1-10-MIN37 (1Q: 00:15) Rick Tate pass fell incomplete, intended for RB Willie Dodge. S Brayden Fuller defended the pass.
OFFENSE122 Personnel, Weak formation, ShotgunDEFENSE43 Under, Regular Personnel, Cover-2
QB R.Tate
***LDE M.SheaRush Passer+++
X(SE) P.OgdenOutlet, 5 Deep Out (13-18)---1tcDT P.SellRush Passer+++
TE D.SharberOutlet, W Wheel (9-18)+++3tcDT D.ButtsRush Passer---
Z(FL) C.GainesOutlet, 5 Deep Out (13-18)---RDE L.HartmanRush Passer+++
RB W.DodgePrimary, S Screen (S)---SLB R.RodgersShort Zone+++
TE G.PersonSecondary, 4 Curl (9-12)+++MLB C.BeyerShort Zone+++
LT D.Cochrane
+++WLB S.WycheShort Zone+++
LG J.Berry
+++LCB J.BarkerMan-to-Man+++
C B.Stevenson
+++RCB G.SidhartaMan-to-Man+++
RG M.Bernard
+++SS D.ReidDeep Zone+++
RT B.Wynn
+++FS B.FullerDeep Zone+++
2-10-MIN37 (1Q: 00:09) Willie Dodge ran a trap outside the right tackle for 3 yards. Tackled by DT Roderick Fox.
OFFENSE104 Personnel, Weak formation, ShotgunDEFENSE43 Under, Dime Personnel, Cover-2
QB R.Tate
***LDE L.HartmanIn Box+++
X(SE) P.Ogden
+++1tcDT R.FoxIn Box+++
SLOT C.Blalock
+++3tcDT D.ZoellnerIn Box+++
Z(FL) C.Gaines
+++RDE D.FruthIn Box+++
RB W.DodgeBall Carrier+++MLB C.BeyerIn Box+++
+++LCB J.BarkerOut of Box+++
LT D.Cochrane
+++RCB M.HopperOut of Box+++
LG J.Berry
+++NB G.SidhartaOut of Box+++
C B.Stevenson
+++DB J.BuelOut of Box+++
RG M.Bernard
+++SS B.CodekeOut of Box+++
RT B.Wynn
+++FS B.FullerOut of Box+++
Start of second quarter.
3-7-MIN34 (2Q: 15:00) Play-Action. Rick Tate pass completed to TE Dominique Sharber for 18 yards. Tackled by CB Marc Hopper. The receiver ran his route right over the middle of the field. Sharber gained 17 yards after the catch.
OFFENSE113 Personnel, I formationDEFENSE43 Under, Nickel Personnel, Cover-3 Sky
QB R.Tate
***LDE S.WycheRush Passer+++
X(SE) M.KingPrimary, 1 Out (5-8)+++1tcDT R.FoxRush Passer+++
TE D.SharberOutlet, 0 Dig (0-4)+++3tcDT D.ZoellnerRush Passer+++
Z(FL) C.GainesSecondary, 9 Fade (27-39)+++RDE J.HamptonRush Passer+++
RB N.CastilloOutlet, 0 Dig (0-4)+++MLB A.RaffoShort Zone+++
SLOT C.BlalockOutlet, 5 Deep Out (13-18)+++WLB C.BeyerShort Zone+++
LT D.Cochrane
+++LCB M.HopperShort Zone+++
LG J.Berry
+++RCB B.CodekeDeep Zone+++
C B.Stevenson
+++NB J.BarkerDeep Zone+++
RG M.Bernard
+++SS D.ReidShort Zone+++
RT B.Wynn
+++FS B.FullerDeep Zone+++
1-10-MIN16 (2Q: 14:28) Willie Dodge ran a trap outside the right tackle for 6 yards. Tackled by DT Phil Sell, assisted by DE Donald Fruth. Key block delivered by Micah Bernard.
OFFENSE113t Personnel, Weak formation, ShotgunDEFENSE43 Under, Nickel Personnel, Man to Man
QB R.Tate
***LDE D.FruthIn Box+++
X(SE) P.Ogden
+++1tcDT P.SellIn Box---
TE D.Sharber
+++3tcDT R.FoxIn Box+++
Z(FL) C.Gaines
+++RDE L.HartmanIn Box+++
RB W.DodgeBall Carrier+++MLB D.D'AmatoIn Box+++
+++WLB R.RodgersIn Box+++
LT D.Cochrane
+++LCB A.MulhollonOut of Box+++
LG J.Berry
---RCB G.SidhartaOut of Box+++
C B.Stevenson
+++NB B.FullerOut of Box+++
RG M.Bernard
+++SS B.CodekeOut of Box+++
RT B.Wynn
+++FS D.ReidOut of Box+++
2-4-MIN10 (2Q: 13:53) Avery Harmon ran inside the left guard for 6 yards. Tackled by S Brayden Fuller. Key block delivered by Micah Bernard.
OFFENSE212 Personnel, Pro formation, ShotgunDEFENSE43 Under, Regular Personnel, Man to Man
QB R.Tate
***LDE M.SheaIn Box+++
X(SE) P.Ogden
+++1tcDT R.FoxIn Box+++
TE D.Sharber
+++3tcDT D.ButtsIn Box+++
Z(FL) C.Gaines
+++RDE L.HartmanIn Box+++
RB A.HarmonBall Carrier+++SLB R.RodgersIn Box+++
FB E.Adderley
+++MLB C.BeyerIn Box+++
LT D.Cochrane
+++WLB A.RaffoIn Box+++
LG J.Berry
+++LCB M.HopperOut of Box+++
C B.Stevenson
+++RCB B.CodekeOut of Box+++
RG M.Bernard
+++SS D.ReidOut of Box+++
RT B.Wynn
+++FS B.FullerOut of Box+++
1-4-MIN04 (2Q: 13:22) Donnie Sweeney pass completed to WR Matt King for 1 yard. Tackled by CB Gus Sidharta.
OFFENSE113t Personnel, Weak formationDEFENSE43 Under, Regular Personnel, Man to Man
QB D.Sweeney
***LDE M.SheaRush Passer+++
X(SE) M.KingPrimary, F Flat (0-4)+++1tcDT R.FoxRush Passer+++
TE D.SharberSecondary, 3 Comeback (9-12)+++3tcDT D.ButtsRush Passer+++
Z(FL) C.GainesOutlet, W Wheel (9-18)+++RDE L.HartmanRush Passer+++
RB A.HarmonOutlet, 1 Out (5-8)+++SLB A.RaffoShort Zone+++
SLOT C.BlalockOutlet, 9 Fade (27-39)+++MLB C.BeyerShort Zone+++
LT D.Cochrane
+++WLB S.WycheBump and Run+++
LG J.Berry
+++LCB M.HopperBump and Run+++
C B.Stevenson
+++RCB G.SidhartaBump and Run+++
RG M.Bernard
+++SS D.ReidBump and Run+++
RT B.Wynn
+++FS B.FullerBump and Run+++
2-3-MIN03 (2Q: 12:51) Avery Harmon ran inside the left guard for 0 yards. Tackled by OLB Axel Raffo.
OFFENSE212 Personnel, Pro formation, ShotgunDEFENSE43 Under, Regular Personnel, Man to Man
QB D.Sweeney
***LDE M.SheaIn Box+++
X(SE) P.Ogden
+++1tcDT P.SellIn Box---
TE D.Sharber
+++3tcDT R.FoxIn Box+++
Z(FL) M.King
+++RDE L.HartmanIn Box+++
RB A.HarmonBall Carrier+++SLB A.RaffoIn Box+++
FB E.Adderley
+++MLB C.BeyerIn Box+++
LT D.Cochrane
+++WLB S.WycheIn Box+++
LG J.Berry
+++LCB J.BarkerOut of Box+++
C B.Stevenson
+++RCB M.HopperOut of Box---
RG M.Bernard
+++SS D.ReidOut of Box+++
RT B.Wynn
+++FS B.FullerOut of Box+++
3-3-MIN03 (2Q: 12:11) Donnie Sweeney pass fell incomplete, intended for WR Matt King. DT Roderick Fox hurried the quarterback into a bad throw.
OFFENSE122 Personnel, Strong formation, ShotgunDEFENSE43 Under, Regular Personnel, Press-1
QB D.Sweeney
***LDE M.SheaRush Passer+++
X(SE) M.KingPrimary, S Screen (S)+++1tcDT R.FoxRush Passer+++
TE D.SharberProtect+++3tcDT D.ZoellnerRush Passer+++
Z(FL) C.GainesOutlet, S Screen (S)+++RDE L.HartmanRush Passer+++
RB N.CastilloOutlet, 2 Slant (5-8)---SLB R.RodgersBump and Run+++
TE G.PersonSecondary, 3 Comeback (9-12)+++MLB C.BeyerBump and Run+++
LT D.Cochrane
+++WLB S.WycheBlitz Passer+++
LG J.Berry
+++LCB J.BarkerBump and Run+++
C B.Stevenson
---RCB G.SidhartaBlitz Passer+++
RG M.Bernard
+++SS D.ReidBump and Run+++
RT B.Wynn
---FS B.FullerDeep Zone+++
4-3-MIN03 (2Q: 12:04) Broderick Hillman attempted a 20 yard field goal and succeeded. Houston 10, Minnesota 0
(2Q: 11:58) Broderick Hillman kicked off 55 yards from the HOU35. Marc Hopper returned the ball 20 yards to the MIN30. Tackled by Elliot Adderley.
1-10-MIN30 (2Q: 11:37) Anthony Rice ran around left end for 1 yard. Tackled by CB Damien Enman, assisted by S Artie Kershaw.
OFFENSE113 Personnel, Strong formationDEFENSE34 Eagle, Nickel Personnel, Cover-3 Sky
QB W.Hargrove
***LDE D.RodmanIn Box+++
X(SE) C.Olivas
+++1tcDT S.JohannsonIn Box+++
TE G.Small
+++RDE R.BennettIn Box+++
Z(FL) D.Comegys
+++SLB M.BentonIn Box+++
RB A.RiceBall Carrier+++SILB D.GrieseIn Box+++
SLOT C.Farmer
+++WLB E.McDanielIn Box+++
LT M.Manard
---LCB D.EnmanOut of Box+++
LG H.Maldonado
+++RCB J.AdlerOut of Box+++
C E.Lake
+++NB A.KulagaOut of Box+++
RG D.Delhomme
+++SS A.KershawOut of Box+++
RT D.Newman
+++FS L.HolmesOut of Box+++
2-9-MIN31 (2Q: 10:57) Wally Hargrove pass was dropped by WR Deon Haworth.
OFFENSE113 Personnel, I formationDEFENSE34 Eagle, Nickel Personnel, Cover-2
QB W.Hargrove
***LDE D.RodmanRush Passer+++
X(SE) C.FarmerOutlet, 9 Fade (27-39)---1tcDT S.JohannsonRush Passer+++
TE J.WaiteSecondary, 2 Slant (5-8)---RDE R.BennettRush Passer+++
Z(FL) D.HaworthPrimary, 5 Deep Out (13-18)---SLB M.BentonShort Zone+++
RB A.RiceOutlet, S Screen (S)+++SILB D.GrieseShort Zone+++
SLOT C.OlivasOutlet, S Screen (S)---WLB E.McDanielShort Zone+++
LT M.Manard
+++LCB D.EnmanMan-to-Man+++
LG H.Maldonado
+++RCB J.AdlerMan-to-Man+++
C E.Lake
+++NB A.KulagaShort Zone+++
RG D.Delhomme
+++SS A.KershawDeep Zone+++
RT D.Newman
+++FS L.HolmesDeep Zone+++
3-9-MIN31 (2Q: 10:49) Wally Hargrove pass completed to WR Claude Olivas for 8 yards. Tackled by CB Gene Hall.
OFFENSE005 PersonnelDEFENSE34 Eagle, Dime Personnel, Cover-3 Cloud
QB W.Hargrove
***LDE J.SampsonRush Passer+++
X(SE) D.HaworthSecondary, 2 Slant (5-8)+++1tcDT C.WilliamsonRush Passer+++
SLOT D.ComegysOutlet, 9 Fade (27-39)+++RDE D.RodmanRush Passer+++
Z(FL) C.OlivasPrimary, 3 Comeback (9-12)---SLB M.KingShort Zone+++
SLOT H.FordOutlet, S Screen (S)+++WLB M.BentonBlitz Passer+++
SLOT J.NardiOutlet, 4 Curl (9-12)+++LCB J.AdlerMan-to-Man+++
LT M.Manard
---RCB A.KershawShort Zone+++
LG H.Maldonado
+++NB D.EnmanShort Zone+++
C E.Lake
+++DB G.HallDeep Zone+++
RG D.Delhomme
+++SS D.WebbDeep Zone+++
RT D.Newman
+++FS M.ReedDeep Zone+++
4-1-MIN39 (2Q: 10:20) Wally Hargrove pass completed to WR Claude Olivas for 10 yards. Tackled by OLB Mack Benton. Olivas gained 5 yards after the catch.
OFFENSE122 Personnel, Weak formation, PistolDEFENSE34 Eagle, Goal Line Personnel, Man to Man, Buzz
QB W.Hargrove
***LDE D.RodmanRush Passer+++
X(SE) C.OlivasPrimary, F Flat (0-4)+++1tcDT S.JohannsonRush Passer+++
TE C.LegetteOutlet, 4 Curl (9-12)+++1tcDT R.BennettRush Passer+++
Z(FL) D.ComegysSecondary, 2 Slant (5-8)+++RDE M.BentonRush Passer---
RB A.RiceOutlet, 1 Out (5-8)+++NB D.GrieseShort Zone+++
TE G.SmallOutlet, 7 Corner (19-26)+++SILB E.CollierShort Zone+++
LT M.Manard
+++WILB E.McDanielShort Zone+++
LG H.Maldonado
+++WLB D.EnmanBump and Run---
C E.Lake
+++LCB J.AdlerBump and Run+++
RG D.Delhomme
+++RCB A.KershawBump and Run---
RT D.Newman
+++SS L.HolmesBump and Run+++
1-10-MIN49 (2Q: 09:47) Play-Action. Wally Hargrove pass completed to WR J.R. Nardi for 18 yards. Tackled by S Artie Kershaw. The receiver ran his route right over the middle of the field.
OFFENSE203 Personnel, Pro formation, ShotgunDEFENSE34 Eagle, Nickel Personnel, Press-2
QB W.Hargrove
***LDE R.BennettRush Passer---
X(SE) J.NardiPrimary, 6 Deep In (13-18)+++1tcDT S.JohannsonRush Passer+++
SLOT H.FordOutlet, 4 Curl (9-12)+++RDE C.MartinezRush Passer+++
Z(FL) D.HaworthOutlet, S Screen (S)+++SLB M.BentonShort Zone+++
RB R.RodgersSecondary, 0 Dig (0-4)+++SILB D.GrieseShort Zone+++
FB O.LermaOutlet, 1 Out (5-8)+++WLB E.McDanielBlitz Passer+++
LT M.Manard
+++LCB D.EnmanBump and Run+++
LG H.Maldonado
+++RCB J.AdlerBump and Run---
C E.Lake
+++NB A.KulagaShort Zone---
RG D.Delhomme
+++SS A.KershawDeep Zone+++
RT D.Newman
+++FS L.HolmesDeep Zone+++
1-10-HOU33 (2Q: 09:20) Anthony Rice ran a trap outside the right tackle for 0 yards. Tackled by ILB Dale Griese.
OFFENSE122 Personnel, Strong formation, ShotgunDEFENSE34 Eagle, Regular Personnel, Press-2
QB W.Hargrove
***LDE D.RodmanIn Box+++
X(SE) D.Comegys
+++1tcDT S.JohannsonIn Box+++
TE C.Legette
+++RDE R.BennettIn Box+++
Z(FL) D.Haworth
+++SLB E.McDanielIn Box+++
RB A.RiceBall Carrier+++SILB D.GrieseIn Box+++
TE G.Small
+++WILB E.CollierIn Box---
LT M.Manard
+++WLB A.CzajkowskiIn Box+++
LG H.Maldonado
---LCB A.KershawOut of Box+++
C E.Lake
+++RCB J.AdlerOut of Box+++
RG D.Delhomme
+++SS M.ReedOut of Box+++
RT D.Newman
+++FS L.HolmesOut of Box+++
2-10-HOU33 (2Q: 08:53) Anthony Rice ran inside the left guard for 2 yards. Tackled by DE Rod Bennett, assisted by OLB Mack Benton. Houston's Damien Enman was hurt on the play.
OFFENSE212 Personnel, Weak formationDEFENSE34 Eagle, Regular Personnel, Cover-2
QB W.Hargrove
***LDE D.RodmanIn Box+++
X(SE) H.Ford
+++1tcDT S.JohannsonIn Box+++
TE G.Small
+++RDE R.BennettIn Box+++
Z(FL) J.Nardi
+++SLB M.BentonIn Box+++
RB A.RiceBall Carrier+++SILB D.GrieseIn Box+++
FB O.Lerma
+++WILB E.CollierIn Box+++
LT M.Manard
+++WLB E.McDanielIn Box+++
LG H.Maldonado
---LCB D.EnmanOut of Box+++
C E.Lake
+++RCB J.AdlerOut of Box+++
RG D.Delhomme
+++SS A.KershawOut of Box+++
RT D.Newman
+++FS L.HolmesOut of Box+++
3-8-HOU31 (2Q: 08:14) Wally Hargrove pass fell incomplete, intended for WR Claude Olivas. CB James Adler hurried the quarterback into a bad throw.
OFFENSE212 Personnel, Weak formationDEFENSE34 Eagle, Regular Personnel, Cover-3 Sky
QB W.Hargrove
***LDE R.BennettRush Passer+++
X(SE) H.FordOutlet, 9 Fade (27-39)+++1tcDT S.JohannsonRush Passer+++
TE J.WaiteOutlet, 1 Out (5-8)---RDE D.RodmanRush Passer+++
Z(FL) C.OlivasPrimary, 7 Corner (19-26)+++SLB M.KingShort Zone+++
RB R.RodgersSecondary, S Screen (S)---SILB E.CollierShort Zone+++
FB O.LermaOutlet, S Screen (S)+++WILB E.McDanielShort Zone+++
LT M.Manard
+++WLB J.AdlerBlitz Passer+++
LG H.Maldonado
+++LCB A.KulagaDeep Zone+++
C E.Lake
+++RCB G.HallDeep Zone+++
RG D.Delhomme
+++SS D.WebbShort Zone+++
RT D.Newman
+++FS M.ReedDeep Zone+++
4-8-HOU31 (2Q: 08:07) Play-Action. Wally Hargrove pass fell incomplete, intended for WR Brendan Branch. CB Gene Hall defended the pass. The ball goes over on downs.
OFFENSE221 Personnel, Pro formation, ShotgunDEFENSE34 Eagle, Regular Personnel, Cover-2
QB W.Hargrove
***LDE R.BennettRush Passer+++
TE C.LegetteOutlet, 8 Post (19-26)+++1tcDT C.WilliamsonRush Passer+++
TE G.SmallSecondary, 7 Corner (19-26)+++RDE D.RodmanRush Passer+++
Z(FL) B.BranchPrimary, 4 Curl (9-12)+++SLB M.KingShort Zone+++
RB R.RodgersOutlet, F Flat (0-4)+++SILB E.CollierShort Zone+++
FB O.LermaOutlet, 0 Dig (0-4)+++WILB E.McDanielShort Zone+++
LT M.Manard
---WLB J.AdlerBlitz Passer+++
LG H.Maldonado
+++LCB A.KulagaMan-to-Man+++
C E.Lake
---RCB G.HallMan-to-Man+++
RG D.Delhomme
+++SS D.WebbDeep Zone+++
RT D.Newman
+++FS A.KershawDeep Zone+++
1-10-HOU31 (2Q: 07:58) Avery Harmon ran inside the right guard for 7 yards. Tackled by DE Joe Bob Hampton, assisted by DE Lance Hartman. Key block delivered by Dean Cochrane.
OFFENSE113 Personnel, Pro formationDEFENSE43 Under, Nickel Personnel, Press-2
QB D.Sweeney
***LDE D.FruthIn Box+++
X(SE) P.Ogden
+++1tcDT P.SellIn Box+++
TE D.Sharber
+++3tcDT R.FoxIn Box+++
Z(FL) C.Gaines
+++RDE J.HamptonIn Box---
RB A.HarmonBall Carrier+++MLB L.HartmanIn Box---
SLOT C.Blalock
+++WLB R.RodgersIn Box+++
LT D.Cochrane
+++LCB A.MulhollonOut of Box+++
LG J.Berry
+++RCB M.HopperOut of Box+++
C B.Stevenson
+++NB B.FullerOut of Box+++
RG M.Bernard
+++SS C.BeyerOut of Box+++
RT B.Wynn
+++FS D.ReidOut of Box+++
2-3-HOU38 (2Q: 07:16) Donnie Sweeney pass completed to WR Matt King for -1 yards. Tackled by CB Marc Hopper, assisted by ILB Cornell Beyer.
OFFENSE212 Personnel, Pro formation, ShotgunDEFENSE43 Under, Regular Personnel, Man to Man
QB D.Sweeney
***LDE M.SheaRush Passer+++
X(SE) P.OgdenOutlet, 1 Out (5-8)+++1tcDT R.FoxRush Passer---
TE D.SharberOutlet, 3 Comeback (9-12)+++3tcDT D.ButtsRush Passer+++
Z(FL) M.KingSecondary, S Screen (S)+++RDE L.HartmanRush Passer+++
RB A.HarmonOutlet, 2 Slant (5-8)+++SLB R.RodgersShort Zone+++
FB E.AdderleyPrimary, 2 Slant (5-8)+++MLB C.BeyerBump and Run---
LT D.Cochrane
+++WLB S.WycheBlitz Passer+++
LG J.Berry
+++LCB M.HopperBump and Run+++
C B.Stevenson
+++RCB G.SidhartaBump and Run+++
RG M.Bernard
+++SS D.ReidBump and Run+++
RT B.Wynn
+++FS B.FullerBump and Run+++
3-4-HOU37 (2Q: 06:57) Nicky Castillo ran inside the left tackle for 8 yards. Tackled by DT Roderick Fox. Key block delivered by Micah Bernard.
OFFENSE113t Personnel, Strong formationDEFENSE43 Under, Nickel Personnel, Press-1
QB D.Sweeney
***LDE S.WycheIn Box+++
X(SE) P.Ogden
+++1tcDT R.FoxIn Box+++
TE D.Sharber
+++3tcDT D.ZoellnerIn Box+++
Z(FL) C.Gaines
+++RDE J.HamptonIn Box---
RB N.CastilloBall Carrier+++MLB D.D'AmatoIn Box+++
SLOT C.Blalock
+++WLB A.RaffoIn Box+++
LT D.Cochrane
+++LCB M.HopperOut of Box+++
LG J.Berry
+++RCB G.SidhartaOut of Box+++
C B.Stevenson
---NB B.FullerOut of Box+++
RG M.Bernard
+++SS D.ReidOut of Box+++
RT B.Wynn
+++FS C.BeyerOut of Box+++
1-10-HOU45 (2Q: 06:22) Donnie Sweeney pass completed to WR Philip Ogden for 5 yards. Tackled by CB Marc Hopper.
OFFENSE113t Personnel, I formationDEFENSE43 Under, Nickel Personnel, Press-2
QB D.Sweeney
***LDE L.HartmanRush Passer+++
X(SE) P.OgdenPrimary, 4 Curl (9-12)+++1tcDT R.FoxRush Passer+++
TE D.SharberOutlet, 4 Curl (9-12)+++3tcDT D.ButtsRush Passer+++
Z(FL) M.KingOutlet, 5 Deep Out (13-18)+++RDE M.SheaRush Passer+++
RB W.DodgeOutlet, W Wheel (9-18)+++MLB D.D'AmatoShort Zone+++
SLOT C.BlalockSecondary, 6 Deep In (13-18)+++WLB R.RodgersShort Zone+++
LT D.Cochrane
+++LCB M.HopperBump and Run+++
LG J.Berry
+++RCB B.FullerBump and Run+++
C B.Stevenson
+++NB G.SidhartaShort Zone+++
RG M.Bernard
+++SS B.CodekeDeep Zone+++
RT B.Wynn
+++FS D.ReidDeep Zone+++
2-5-HOU50 (2Q: 06:03) PENALTY: TE Giovanni Person of Houston was called for a False Start.
2-10-HOU45 (2Q: 05:56) Donnie Sweeney pass fell incomplete, intended for WR Matt King. CB Gus Sidharta knocked the ball out of his grasp.
OFFENSE212 Personnel, Pro formationDEFENSE43 Under, Regular Personnel, Tampa-2
QB D.Sweeney
***LDE M.SheaRush Passer+++
X(SE) M.KingPrimary, 4 Curl (9-12)+++1tcDT R.FoxRush Passer+++
TE D.SharberSecondary, 5 Deep Out (13-18)+++3tcDT D.ZoellnerRush Passer---
Z(FL) C.GainesOutlet, 3 Comeback (9-12)+++RDE L.HartmanRush Passer+++
RB A.HarmonProtect+++SLB R.RodgersShort Zone+++
FB E.AdderleyProtect+++MLB C.BeyerDeep Zone+++
LT D.Cochrane
+++WLB S.WycheShort Zone+++
LG J.Berry
+++LCB J.BarkerMan-to-Man+++
C B.Stevenson
+++RCB G.SidhartaMan-to-Man+++
RG M.Bernard
+++SS D.ReidDeep Zone+++
RT B.Wynn
---FS B.FullerDeep Zone+++
3-10-HOU45 (2Q: 05:48) Donnie Sweeney pass was thrown incomplete, intended for WR Philip Ogden.
OFFENSE113t Personnel, Pro formationDEFENSE43 Under, Nickel Personnel, Press-2
QB D.Sweeney
***LDE L.HartmanRush Passer+++
X(SE) P.OgdenPrimary, 5 Deep Out (13-18)+++1tcDT R.FoxRush Passer+++
TE D.SharberSecondary, 5 Deep Out (13-18)+++3tcDT D.ZoellnerRush Passer+++
Z(FL) C.GainesOutlet, 3 Comeback (9-12)+++RDE J.HamptonRush Passer+++
RB N.CastilloOutlet, 3 Comeback (9-12)+++MLB D.D'AmatoShort Zone+++
SLOT C.BlalockOutlet, 7 Corner (19-26)+++WLB C.BeyerShort Zone+++
LT D.Cochrane
+++LCB J.BuelBump and Run+++
LG J.Berry
+++RCB G.SidhartaBump and Run+++
C B.Stevenson
+++NB M.HopperShort Zone+++
RG M.Bernard
+++SS D.ReidDeep Zone+++
RT B.Wynn
+++FS B.FullerDeep Zone+++
4-10-HOU45 (2Q: 05:42) Malachi Sutter punted 53 yards. The ball was downed at the MIN02.
1-10-MIN02 (2Q: 05:33) Ricardo Rodgers ran around the left tackle for 5 yards. Tackled by S Artie Kershaw. Key block delivered by Gary Small.
OFFENSE212 Personnel, Pro formationDEFENSE34 Eagle, Regular Personnel, Cover-2
QB W.Hargrove
***LDE C.MartinezIn Box+++
X(SE) H.Ford
+++1tcDT S.JohannsonIn Box+++
TE G.Small
+++RDE R.BennettIn Box+++
Z(FL) J.Nardi
+++SLB M.BentonIn Box+++
RB R.RodgersBall Carrier+++SILB D.GrieseIn Box+++
FB O.Lerma
+++WILB E.CollierIn Box+++
LT M.Manard
+++WLB E.McDanielIn Box---
LG H.Maldonado
+++LCB L.HolmesOut of Box+++
C E.Lake
+++RCB J.AdlerOut of Box---
RG D.Delhomme
+++SS A.KershawOut of Box+++
RT D.Newman
+++FS M.ReedOut of Box+++
2-5-MIN07 (2Q: 05:01) PENALTY: T Marquis Manard of Minnesota was called for a False Start.
2-8-MIN04 (2Q: 04:54) Ricardo Rodgers ran inside the right tackle for -3 yards. Tackled by S Artie Kershaw.
OFFENSE122 Personnel, Weak formation, ShotgunDEFENSE34 Eagle, Regular Personnel, Press-2
QB W.Hargrove
***LDE D.RodmanIn Box+++
X(SE) D.Comegys
+++1tcDT S.JohannsonIn Box+++
TE G.Small
+++RDE R.BennettIn Box+++
Z(FL) D.Haworth
+++SLB M.BentonIn Box+++
RB R.RodgersBall Carrier---SILB D.GrieseIn Box+++
TE J.Waite
---WILB E.CollierIn Box+++
LT M.Manard
+++WLB E.McDanielIn Box+++
LG H.Maldonado
---LCB G.HallOut of Box+++
C E.Lake
+++RCB J.AdlerOut of Box+++
RG D.Delhomme
+++SS A.KershawOut of Box+++
RT D.Newman
---FS L.HolmesOut of Box+++
3-11-MIN01 (2Q: 04:18) Wally Hargrove pass completed to WR J.R. Nardi for 9 yards. Tackled by S Artie Kershaw, assisted by S Les Holmes.
OFFENSE212 Personnel, Pro formation, ShotgunDEFENSE34 Eagle, Regular Personnel, Cover-3 Sky
QB W.Hargrove
***LDE J.SampsonRush Passer+++
X(SE) H.FordOutlet, 8 Post (19-26)+++1tcDT C.WilliamsonRush Passer+++
TE J.WaiteOutlet, 7 Corner (19-26)+++RDE D.RodmanRush Passer+++
Z(FL) J.NardiSecondary, 4 Curl (9-12)+++SLB D.GrieseShort Zone+++
RB R.RodgersProtect+++SILB E.CollierShort Zone+++
FB O.LermaPrimary, 3 Comeback (9-12)+++WILB E.McDanielBlitz Passer+++
LT M.Manard
+++WLB J.AdlerShort Zone+++
LG H.Maldonado
+++LCB A.KulagaDeep Zone+++
C E.Lake
+++RCB G.HallDeep Zone+++
RG D.Delhomme
+++SS A.KershawShort Zone+++
RT D.Newman
+++FS L.HolmesDeep Zone+++
4-2-MIN10 (2Q: 03:54) John Widell punted 49 yards. Matt King returned the kick 9 yards to the HOU50. Tackled by Anthony Rice.
1-10-HOU50 (2Q: 03:45) Donnie Sweeney pass completed to WR Chester Gaines for 10 yards. Tackled by CB Marc Hopper.
OFFENSE113 Personnel, I formationDEFENSE43 Under, Nickel Personnel, Man to Man
QB D.Sweeney
***LDE L.HartmanRush Passer---
X(SE) M.KingSecondary, 6 Deep In (13-18)+++1tcDT R.FoxRush Passer---
TE D.SharberOutlet, 2 Slant (5-8)+++3tcDT D.ButtsRush Passer+++
Z(FL) C.GainesPrimary, 5 Deep Out (13-18)+++RDE M.SheaRush Passer---
RB W.DodgeOutlet, W Wheel (9-18)+++MLB D.D'AmatoShort Zone+++
SLOT C.BlalockOutlet, 3 Comeback (9-12)+++WLB C.BeyerBump and Run+++
LT D.Cochrane
+++LCB A.MulhollonBump and Run---
LG J.Berry
+++RCB M.HopperBump and Run+++
C B.Stevenson
+++NB D.ReidBump and Run+++
RG M.Bernard
+++SS B.CodekeBlitz Passer+++
RT B.Wynn
+++FS B.FullerBump and Run+++
1-10-MIN40 (2Q: 03:25) Donnie Sweeney pass fell incomplete, intended for RB Avery Harmon. DE Mason Shea hurried the quarterback into a bad throw.
OFFENSE212 Personnel, Strong formationDEFENSE43 Under, Regular Personnel, Tampa-2
QB D.Sweeney
***LDE M.SheaRush Passer+++
X(SE) P.OgdenOutlet, 9 Fade (27-39)+++1tcDT P.SellRush Passer+++
TE D.SharberOutlet, 5 Deep Out (13-18)+++3tcDT R.FoxRush Passer+++
Z(FL) C.GainesOutlet, 8 Post (19-26)+++RDE L.HartmanRush Passer+++
RB A.HarmonPrimary, 4 Curl (9-12)+++SLB R.RodgersShort Zone+++
FB E.AdderleySecondary, S Screen (S)+++MLB C.BeyerDeep Zone+++
LT D.Cochrane
+++WLB S.WycheShort Zone+++
LG J.Berry
---LCB J.BarkerMan-to-Man+++
C B.Stevenson
+++RCB G.SidhartaMan-to-Man+++
RG M.Bernard
+++SS D.ReidDeep Zone+++
RT B.Wynn
+++FS B.FullerDeep Zone+++
2-10-MIN40 (2Q: 03:19) Donnie Sweeney pass completed to WR Philip Ogden for 35 yards. Tackled by S Darrin Reid. Ogden gained 38 yards after the catch.
OFFENSE122 Personnel, Strong formation, ShotgunDEFENSE43 Under, Regular Personnel, Press-1
QB D.Sweeney
***LDE L.HartmanRush Passer+++
X(SE) P.OgdenPrimary, S Screen (S)+++1tcDT P.SellRush Passer+++
TE D.SharberProtect+++3tcDT R.FoxRush Passer+++
Z(FL) M.KingOutlet, S Screen (S)+++RDE M.SheaRush Passer+++
RB W.DodgeOutlet, 2 Slant (5-8)+++SLB R.RodgersBlitz Passer---
TE G.PersonSecondary, 3 Comeback (9-12)+++MLB C.BeyerBlitz Passer---
LT D.Cochrane
+++WLB A.RaffoBump and Run+++
LG J.Berry
+++LCB J.BarkerBump and Run+++
C B.Stevenson
+++RCB G.SidhartaBump and Run+++
RG M.Bernard
+++SS D.ReidBump and Run+++
RT B.Wynn
+++FS B.FullerDeep Zone+++
1-5-MIN05 (2Q: 02:56) Donnie Sweeney scrambled for 5 yards and a TOUCHDOWN! Houston 16, Minnesota 0
OFFENSE014t Personnel, ShotgunDEFENSE43 Under, Nickel Personnel, Press-1
QB D.Sweeney
***LDE D.FruthRush Passer+++
X(SE) P.OgdenPrimary, 1 Out (5-8)---1tcDT P.SellRush Passer+++
TE D.SharberSecondary, 5 Deep Out (13-18)+++3tcDT D.ButtsRush Passer+++
Z(FL) C.GainesOutlet, F Flat (0-4)+++RDE J.HamptonRush Passer+++
SLOT C.BlalockOutlet, S Screen (S)+++MLB D.D'AmatoShort Zone+++
SLOT M.KingOutlet, F Flat (0-4)+++WLB R.RodgersBlitz Passer+++
LT D.Cochrane
---LCB M.HopperBump and Run+++
LG J.Berry
+++RCB D.ReidBump and Run+++
C B.Stevenson
+++NB B.FullerBump and Run+++
RG M.Bernard
+++SS B.CodekeBump and Run+++
RT B.Wynn
+++FS C.BeyerDeep Zone+++
(2Q: 02:56) Extra point by Broderick Hillman missed.
(2Q: 02:43) Broderick Hillman kicked off 52 yards from the HOU35. Marc Hopper returned the ball 27 yards to the MIN40. Tackled by Matt King.
Official time out for the two-minute warning.
1-10-MIN40 (2Q: 02:00) Wally Hargrove pass completed to WR Camden Farmer for 10 yards. Tackled by CB Alejandro Kulaga. The receiver ran his route right over the middle of the field.
OFFENSE113 Personnel, Strong formationDEFENSE34 Eagle, Nickel Personnel, Cover-3 Cloud
QB W.Hargrove
***LDE D.RodmanRush Passer+++
X(SE) C.FarmerPrimary, 2 Slant (5-8)+++1tcDT S.JohannsonRush Passer+++
TE J.WaiteSecondary, 6 Deep In (13-18)+++RDE R.BennettRush Passer+++
Z(FL) C.OlivasOutlet, D Deep Fade (40+)+++SLB M.BentonBlitz Passer+++
RB A.RiceOutlet, F Flat (0-4)+++SILB D.GrieseShort Zone+++
SLOT J.NardiOutlet, D Deep Fade (40+)+++WLB E.McDanielShort Zone+++
LT M.Manard
+++LCB G.HallMan-to-Man+++
LG H.Maldonado
+++RCB J.AdlerShort Zone+++
C E.Lake
+++NB A.KulagaDeep Zone+++
RG D.Delhomme
+++SS A.KershawDeep Zone+++
RT D.Newman
+++FS L.HolmesDeep Zone+++
1-10-HOU50 (2Q: 01:38) Wally Hargrove pass completed to WR J.R. Nardi for 9 yards. Tackled by CB Alejandro Kulaga, assisted by OLB Mack Benton.
OFFENSE113 Personnel, Weak formationDEFENSE34 Eagle, Nickel Personnel, Cover-3 Cloud
QB W.Hargrove
***LDE D.RodmanRush Passer+++
X(SE) C.FarmerSecondary, 0 Dig (0-4)+++1tcDT S.JohannsonRush Passer+++
TE G.SmallOutlet, 3 Comeback (9-12)+++RDE R.BennettRush Passer+++
Z(FL) D.HaworthOutlet, 5 Deep Out (13-18)+++SLB M.BentonShort Zone+++
RB A.RiceOutlet, 4 Curl (9-12)+++SILB D.GrieseBlitz Passer+++
SLOT J.NardiPrimary, 4 Curl (9-12)+++WLB E.McDanielShort Zone+++
LT M.Manard
+++LCB A.KershawMan-to-Man---
LG H.Maldonado
+++RCB J.AdlerShort Zone+++
C E.Lake
+++NB A.KulagaDeep Zone+++
RG D.Delhomme
+++SS L.HolmesDeep Zone+++
RT D.Newman
+++FS M.ReedDeep Zone+++
2-1-HOU41 (2Q: 01:22) Wally Hargrove pass was thrown incomplete, intended for WR J.R. Nardi. The quarterback threw away from the double coverage.
OFFENSE212 Personnel, Strong formationDEFENSE34 Eagle, Nickel Personnel, Press-2
QB W.Hargrove
***LDE D.RodmanRush Passer+++
X(SE) H.FordOutlet, S Screen (S)---1tcDT S.JohannsonRush Passer+++
TE J.WaiteSecondary, S Screen (S)+++RDE R.BennettRush Passer+++
Z(FL) J.NardiPrimary, 9 Fade (27-39)+++SLB M.BentonShort Zone+++
RB R.RodgersOutlet, 1 Out (5-8)+++SILB D.GrieseShort Zone+++
FB O.LermaOutlet, 1 Out (5-8)+++WLB E.McDanielBlitz Passer+++
LT M.Manard
+++LCB J.AdlerBump and Run+++
LG H.Maldonado
+++RCB G.HallBump and Run+++
C E.Lake
+++NB M.ReedDouble X(SE)+++
RG D.Delhomme
+++SS A.KershawDeep Zone+++
RT D.Newman
+++FS L.HolmesDeep Zone+++
3-1-HOU41 (2Q: 01:11) Ricardo Rodgers ran outside the right tackle for -2 yards. Tackled by S Artie Kershaw, assisted by S Damon Webb.
OFFENSE212 Personnel, Pro formation, ShotgunDEFENSE34 Eagle, Nickel Personnel, Press-2
QB W.Hargrove
***LDE R.BennettIn Box+++
X(SE) H.Ford
+++1tcDT K.FloydIn Box+++
TE J.Waite
---RDE C.MartinezIn Box+++
Z(FL) J.Nardi
+++SLB M.BentonIn Box+++
RB R.RodgersBall Carrier+++SILB E.CollierIn Box+++
FB O.Lerma
+++WLB D.GrieseIn Box+++
LT M.Manard
+++LCB E.McDanielOut of Box+++
LG H.Maldonado
+++RCB L.HolmesOut of Box+++
C E.Lake
+++NB A.KulagaOut of Box+++
RG D.Delhomme
+++SS A.KershawOut of Box+++
RT D.Newman
+++FS D.WebbOut of Box+++
4-3-HOU43 (2Q: 00:49) John Widell punted 43 yards. Touchback.
1-10-HOU20 (2Q: 00:43) Donnie Sweeney pass fell incomplete, intended for WR Philip Ogden. S Darrin Reid defended the pass.
OFFENSE212 Personnel, Strong formationDEFENSE43 Under, Nickel Personnel, Cover-1
QB D.Sweeney
***LDE D.FruthRush Passer+++
X(SE) P.OgdenPrimary, 2 Slant (5-8)+++1tcDT P.SellRush Passer+++
TE D.SharberSecondary, 1 Out (5-8)+++3tcDT D.ButtsRush Passer+++
Z(FL) C.GainesOutlet, 7 Corner (19-26)+++RDE J.HamptonRush Passer+++
RB A.HarmonOutlet, 1 Out (5-8)+++MLB D.D'AmatoShort Zone+++
FB E.AdderleyOutlet, S Screen (S)+++WLB R.RodgersShort Zone+++
LT D.Cochrane
+++LCB A.MulhollonMan-to-Man+++
LG J.Berry
---RCB G.SidhartaMan-to-Man+++
C B.Stevenson
+++NB B.FullerMan-to-Man+++
RG M.Bernard
---SS D.ReidMan-to-Man+++
RT B.Wynn
+++FS C.BeyerDeep Zone+++
2-10-HOU20 (2Q: 00:38) Donnie Sweeney pass completed to RB Willie Dodge for 10 yards. Tackled by CB Marc Hopper. Dodge gained 10 yards after the catch.
OFFENSE113t Personnel, Pro formationDEFENSE43 Under, Nickel Personnel, Man to Man
QB D.Sweeney
***LDE L.HartmanRush Passer+++
X(SE) M.KingOutlet, 1 Out (5-8)+++1tcDT R.FoxRush Passer+++
TE D.SharberSecondary, 8 Post (19-26)+++3tcDT D.ZoellnerRush Passer+++
Z(FL) P.OgdenOutlet, 3 Comeback (9-12)+++RDE M.SheaRush Passer+++
RB W.DodgePrimary, S Screen (S)+++MLB D.D'AmatoBlitz Passer+++
SLOT C.BlalockOutlet, W Wheel (9-18)+++WLB C.BeyerShort Zone---
LT D.Cochrane
+++LCB M.HopperBump and Run+++
LG J.Berry
+++RCB G.SidhartaBump and Run+++
C B.Stevenson
+++NB B.FullerBump and Run+++
RG M.Bernard
+++SS B.CodekeBump and Run+++
RT B.Wynn
+++FS D.ReidBump and Run+++
1-10-HOU30 (2Q: 00:10) Donnie Sweeney pass completed to WR Chester Gaines for 26 yards. Tackled by S Darrin Reid. Gaines gained 20 yards after the catch.
OFFENSE014t Personnel, PistolDEFENSE43 Under, Dime Personnel, Press-2
QB D.Sweeney
***LDE L.HartmanRush Passer+++
X(SE) P.OgdenOutlet, S Screen (S)+++1tcDT R.FoxRush Passer+++
TE D.SharberOutlet, 1 Out (5-8)+++3tcDT D.ZoellnerRush Passer---
Z(FL) C.GainesPrimary, 1 Out (5-8)+++RDE M.SheaRush Passer+++
SLOT C.BlalockSecondary, D Deep Fade (40+)+++MLB C.BeyerShort Zone+++
SLOT M.KingOutlet, S Screen (S)+++LCB J.BarkerBump and Run+++
LT D.Cochrane
+++RCB M.HopperBump and Run+++
LG J.Berry
+++NB G.SidhartaShort Zone+++
C B.Stevenson
+++DB D.ReidShort Zone+++
RG M.Bernard
+++SS A.RaffoDeep Zone+++
RT B.Wynn
+++FS B.FullerDeep Zone+++
Start of third quarter.
(3Q: 15:00) Broderick Hillman kicked off 65 yards from the HOU35. Marc Hopper returned the ball 19 yards to the MIN19. Tackled by Avery Harmon.
1-10-MIN19 (3Q: 14:37) Anthony Rice ran a draw inside the right guard for -1 yards. Tackled by S Artie Kershaw, assisted by DE Rod Bennett. Minnesota's Freddie Berger was hurt on the play. This appears to be a minor ankle injury. He should be able to remain in the game.
OFFENSE113 Personnel, I formationDEFENSE34 Eagle, Nickel Personnel, Cover-3 Sky
QB W.Hargrove
***LDE R.BennettIn Box+++
X(SE) C.Olivas
+++1tcDT S.JohannsonIn Box+++
TE G.Small
+++RDE C.MartinezIn Box+++
Z(FL) D.Comegys
+++SLB E.McDanielIn Box+++
RB A.RiceBall Carrier+++SILB D.GrieseIn Box+++
SLOT C.Farmer
+++WLB A.CzajkowskiIn Box+++
LT G.Harner
+++LCB A.KershawOut of Box+++
LG F.Berger
+++RCB L.HolmesOut of Box+++
C D.Delhomme
+++NB J.AdlerOut of Box+++
RG D.Newman
+++SS M.ReedOut of Box+++
RT M.Manard
+++FS D.WebbOut of Box+++
2-11-MIN18 (3Q: 13:53) Anthony Rice ran inside the right tackle for 3 yards. Tackled by DT Steve Johannson, assisted by ILB Dale Griese.
OFFENSE212 Personnel, I formationDEFENSE34 Eagle, Regular Personnel, Cover-2
QB W.Hargrove
***LDE R.BennettIn Box+++
X(SE) C.Olivas
+++1tcDT S.JohannsonIn Box+++
TE G.Small
+++RDE C.MartinezIn Box+++
Z(FL) D.Comegys
+++SLB E.McDanielIn Box+++
RB A.RiceBall Carrier+++SILB D.GrieseIn Box+++
FB O.Lerma
+++WILB E.CollierIn Box+++
LT G.Harner
+++WLB A.CzajkowskiIn Box---
LG F.Berger
+++LCB A.KershawOut of Box+++
C D.Delhomme
+++RCB L.HolmesOut of Box+++
RG D.Newman
+++SS M.ReedOut of Box+++
RT M.Manard
+++FS D.WebbOut of Box+++
3-8-MIN21 (3Q: 13:17) Wally Hargrove pass was dropped by WR Claude Olivas.
OFFENSE113 Personnel, I formationDEFENSE34 Eagle, Nickel Personnel, Cover-3 Cloud
QB W.Hargrove
***LDE R.BennettRush Passer+++
X(SE) C.OlivasPrimary, 5 Deep Out (13-18)---1tcDT S.JohannsonRush Passer+++
TE G.SmallOutlet, 0 Dig (0-4)+++RDE C.MartinezRush Passer+++
Z(FL) D.ComegysOutlet, 4 Curl (9-12)---SLB E.McDanielShort Zone+++
RB A.RiceProtect---SILB D.GrieseShort Zone+++
SLOT C.FarmerSecondary, 2 Slant (5-8)+++WLB A.CzajkowskiBlitz Passer+++
LT G.Harner
+++LCB A.KershawMan-to-Man+++
LG F.Berger
+++RCB L.HolmesShort Zone+++
C D.Delhomme
+++NB J.AdlerDeep Zone+++
RG D.Newman
+++SS M.ReedDeep Zone+++
RT M.Manard
---FS D.WebbDeep Zone+++
4-8-MIN21 (3Q: 13:07) John Widell punted 53 yards. Matt King returned the kick 11 yards to the HOU37. Tackled by Marquis Manard. Ball was fumbled and recovered by MIN Kenny Detsch for 37 yards and a TOUCHDOWN! Houston 16, Minnesota 6
(3Q: 13:07) Extra point by Dave Kristosik was good. Houston 16, Minnesota 7
(3Q: 12:56) Dave Kristosik kicked off 74 yards from the MIN35. Touchback.
1-10-HOU25 (3Q: 12:56) Play-Action. Donnie Sweeney pass fell incomplete, intended for WR Matt King. DE Mason Shea hurried the quarterback into a bad throw.
OFFENSE113 Personnel, Weak formation, ShotgunDEFENSE43 Under, Nickel Personnel, Man to Man
QB D.Sweeney
***LDE L.HartmanRush Passer+++
X(SE) M.KingPrimary, 1 Out (5-8)+++1tcDT R.FoxRush Passer+++
TE D.SharberOutlet, S Screen (S)+++3tcDT D.ZoellnerRush Passer+++
Z(FL) P.OgdenSecondary, 8 Post (19-26)+++RDE M.SheaRush Passer+++
RB A.HarmonOutlet, S Screen (S)+++MLB C.BeyerShort Zone+++
SLOT C.GainesOutlet, 1 Out (5-8)+++WLB A.RaffoBlitz Passer+++
LT E.Pierzina
+++LCB M.HopperBump and Run+++
LG J.Berry
---RCB D.ReidBump and Run+++
C B.Stevenson
+++NB B.FullerBump and Run+++
RG B.Wynn
+++SS R.RodgersBump and Run+++
RT J.Woods
+++FS B.CodekeBump and Run+++
2-10-HOU25 (3Q: 12:49) Avery Harmon ran inside the left tackle for 1 yard. Tackled by ILB Cornell Beyer, assisted by DT Drake Zoellner.
OFFENSE113t Personnel, Strong formationDEFENSE43 Under, Nickel Personnel, Cover-1
QB D.Sweeney
***LDE L.HartmanIn Box+++
X(SE) M.King
+++1tcDT R.FoxIn Box+++
TE D.Sharber
+++3tcDT D.ZoellnerIn Box+++
Z(FL) P.Ogden
+++RDE M.SheaIn Box---
RB A.HarmonBall Carrier+++MLB C.BeyerIn Box+++
SLOT C.Gaines
+++WLB A.RaffoIn Box+++
LT E.Pierzina
---LCB M.HopperOut of Box+++
LG J.Berry
+++RCB D.ReidOut of Box+++
C B.Stevenson
+++NB B.FullerOut of Box+++
RG B.Wynn
+++SS R.RodgersOut of Box+++
RT J.Woods
+++FS B.CodekeOut of Box+++
3-9-HOU26 (3Q: 12:26) Donnie Sweeney pass fell incomplete, intended for TE Amir Castillo. DE Lance Hartman drove right through Bubba Wynn to hurry the quarterback.
OFFENSE122 Personnel, Strong formation, ShotgunDEFENSE43 Under, Regular Personnel, Tampa-2
QB D.Sweeney
***LDE L.HartmanRush Passer+++
X(SE) M.KingSecondary, 4 Curl (9-12)+++1tcDT R.FoxRush Passer+++
TE D.SharberOutlet, 1 Out (5-8)+++3tcDT D.ZoellnerRush Passer+++
Z(FL) P.OgdenPrimary, 9 Fade (27-39)+++RDE M.SheaRush Passer+++
RB A.HarmonOutlet, 1 Out (5-8)+++SLB C.BeyerShort Zone+++
TE A.CastilloOutlet, 2 Slant (5-8)+++MLB A.RaffoDeep Zone+++
LT E.Pierzina
+++WLB M.HopperShort Zone+++
LG J.Berry
+++LCB D.ReidMan-to-Man+++
C B.Stevenson
+++RCB B.FullerMan-to-Man+++
RG B.Wynn
---SS R.RodgersDeep Zone+++
RT J.Woods
+++FS B.CodekeDeep Zone+++
4-9-HOU26 (3Q: 12:21) Malachi Sutter punted 43 yards. Marc Hopper returned the kick 15 yards to the MIN46. Tackled by Max King. Minnesota's Marc Hopper was hurt on the play. This appears to be a minor hand injury. He should be able to remain in the game.
1-10-MIN46 (3Q: 12:10) Anthony Rice ran inside the left guard for 3 yards. Tackled by DT Steve Johannson.
OFFENSE113 Personnel, Strong formation, ShotgunDEFENSE34 Eagle, Nickel Personnel, Cover-3 Cloud
QB W.Hargrove
***LDE R.BennettIn Box+++
X(SE) C.Olivas
+++1tcDT S.JohannsonIn Box+++
TE G.Small
+++RDE C.MartinezIn Box+++
Z(FL) D.Comegys
+++SLB E.McDanielIn Box---
RB A.RiceBall Carrier+++SILB D.GrieseIn Box+++
SLOT C.Farmer
+++WLB A.CzajkowskiIn Box+++
LT G.Harner
+++LCB A.KershawOut of Box+++
LG F.Berger
+++RCB L.HolmesOut of Box+++
C D.Delhomme
+++NB J.AdlerOut of Box+++
RG D.Newman
+++SS M.ReedOut of Box+++
RT M.Manard
+++FS D.WebbOut of Box+++
2-7-MIN49 (3Q: 11:26) Anthony Rice ran around left end for 7 yards. Tackled by ILB Dale Griese, assisted by S Artie Kershaw. Key block delivered by Grant Harner.
OFFENSE113 Personnel, Strong formationDEFENSE34 Eagle, Nickel Personnel, Cover-3 Sky
QB W.Hargrove
***LDE R.BennettIn Box+++
X(SE) C.Olivas
+++1tcDT S.JohannsonIn Box+++
TE G.Small
+++RDE C.MartinezIn Box+++
Z(FL) D.Comegys
+++SLB E.McDanielIn Box+++
RB A.RiceBall Carrier+++SILB D.GrieseIn Box+++
SLOT C.Farmer
+++WLB A.CzajkowskiIn Box+++
LT G.Harner
+++LCB A.KershawOut of Box+++
LG F.Berger
+++RCB L.HolmesOut of Box+++
C D.Delhomme
+++NB J.AdlerOut of Box+++
RG D.Newman
+++SS M.ReedOut of Box+++
RT M.Manard
+++FS D.WebbOut of Box+++
1-10-HOU44 (3Q: 10:58) Wally Hargrove pass was dropped by TE Craig Legette.
OFFENSE131 Personnel, I formationDEFENSE34 Eagle, Regular Personnel, Cover-2
QB W.Hargrove
***LDE R.BennettRush Passer---
TE G.SmallOutlet, W Wheel (9-18)+++1tcDT S.JohannsonRush Passer+++
TE O.LermaSecondary, S Screen (S)+++RDE C.MartinezRush Passer+++
Z(FL) C.OlivasOutlet, 1 Out (5-8)+++SLB E.McDanielShort Zone+++
RB A.RiceOutlet, 1 Out (5-8)+++SILB D.GrieseShort Zone+++
TE C.LegettePrimary, 2 Slant (5-8)---WILB E.CollierShort Zone+++
LT G.Harner
+++WLB A.CzajkowskiShort Zone+++
LG F.Berger
+++LCB A.KershawMan-to-Man+++
C D.Delhomme
+++RCB L.HolmesMan-to-Man+++
RG D.Newman
+++SS M.ReedDeep Zone+++
RT M.Manard
---FS D.WebbDeep Zone+++
2-10-HOU44 (3Q: 10:52) Wally Hargrove pass completed to TE Gary Small for 7 yards. Tackled by S Artie Kershaw.
OFFENSE122 Personnel, Weak formation, ShotgunDEFENSE34 Eagle, Regular Personnel, Cover-3 Sky
QB W.Hargrove
***LDE R.BennettRush Passer+++
X(SE) C.OlivasOutlet, 0 Dig (0-4)+++1tcDT S.JohannsonRush Passer+++
TE G.SmallPrimary, W Wheel (9-18)+++RDE C.MartinezRush Passer+++
Z(FL) D.ComegysOutlet, 4 Curl (9-12)---SLB E.McDanielShort Zone+++
RB A.RiceOutlet, S Screen (S)+++SILB D.GrieseShort Zone+++
TE O.LermaSecondary, W Wheel (9-18)+++WILB E.CollierShort Zone+++
LT G.Harner
+++WLB A.CzajkowskiBlitz Passer+++
LG F.Berger
+++LCB A.KershawDeep Zone+++
C D.Delhomme
+++RCB L.HolmesDeep Zone+++
RG D.Newman
+++SS M.ReedShort Zone+++
RT M.Manard
+++FS D.WebbDeep Zone+++
3-3-HOU37 (3Q: 10:10) Anthony Rice ran a draw inside the right guard for -1 yards. Tackled by DE Alec Czajkowski, assisted by DT Steve Johannson. The ball was fumbled and recovered by HOU ILB Dale Griese for 7 yards to the HOU45. Tackled by Gary Small.
OFFENSE113 Personnel, I formationDEFENSE34 Eagle, Nickel Personnel, Cover-3 Cloud
QB W.Hargrove
***LDE R.BennettIn Box+++
X(SE) C.Olivas
+++1tcDT S.JohannsonIn Box+++
TE G.Small
+++RDE C.MartinezIn Box+++
Z(FL) D.Comegys
+++SLB E.McDanielIn Box---
RB A.RiceBall Carrier---SILB D.GrieseIn Box+++
SLOT C.Farmer
+++WLB A.CzajkowskiIn Box+++
LT G.Harner
+++LCB A.KershawOut of Box+++
LG F.Berger
+++RCB L.HolmesOut of Box+++
C D.Delhomme
+++NB J.AdlerOut of Box+++
RG D.Newman
+++SS M.ReedOut of Box+++
RT M.Manard
+++FS D.WebbOut of Box+++
1-10-HOU45 (3Q: 10:02) Donnie Sweeney pass fell incomplete, intended for WR Philip Ogden. DT Drake Zoellner hurried the quarterback into a bad throw.
OFFENSE113 Personnel, Weak formationDEFENSE43 Under, Nickel Personnel, Press-2
QB D.Sweeney
***LDE L.HartmanRush Passer+++
X(SE) M.KingOutlet, S Screen (S)+++1tcDT R.FoxRush Passer+++
TE D.SharberSecondary, F Flat (0-4)+++3tcDT D.ZoellnerRush Passer+++
Z(FL) P.OgdenPrimary, 1 Out (5-8)+++RDE M.SheaRush Passer+++
RB A.HarmonOutlet, 2 Slant (5-8)+++MLB C.BeyerShort Zone+++
SLOT C.GainesOutlet, 6 Deep In (13-18)+++WLB A.RaffoShort Zone+++
LT E.Pierzina
+++LCB D.ReidBump and Run+++
LG J.Berry
+++RCB B.FullerBump and Run+++
C B.Stevenson
+++NB B.CodekeShort Zone+++
RG B.Wynn
+++SS R.RodgersDeep Zone+++
RT J.Woods
+++FS G.SidhartaDeep Zone+++
2-10-HOU45 (3Q: 09:56) Donnie Sweeney pass completed to WR Matt King for 5 yards. Tackled by S Darrin Reid.
OFFENSE113t Personnel, Pro formationDEFENSE43 Under, Nickel Personnel, Press-2
QB D.Sweeney
***LDE L.HartmanRush Passer+++
X(SE) M.KingPrimary, 5 Deep Out (13-18)+++1tcDT R.FoxRush Passer---
TE D.SharberSecondary, 5 Deep Out (13-18)+++3tcDT D.ZoellnerRush Passer+++
Z(FL) P.OgdenOutlet, 3 Comeback (9-12)+++RDE M.SheaRush Passer+++
RB A.HarmonOutlet, 3 Comeback (9-12)+++MLB C.BeyerShort Zone---
SLOT C.GainesOutlet, 7 Corner (19-26)+++WLB A.RaffoShort Zone+++
LT E.Pierzina
+++LCB D.ReidBump and Run+++
LG J.Berry
+++RCB B.FullerBump and Run+++
C B.Stevenson
+++NB B.CodekeShort Zone+++
RG B.Wynn
+++SS R.RodgersDeep Zone+++
RT J.Woods
+++FS G.SidhartaDeep Zone---
3-5-HOU50 (3Q: 09:15) PENALTY: G Ernie Pierzina of Houston was called for a False Start.
3-10-HOU45 (3Q: 09:09) PENALTY: DT Drake Zoellner of Minnesota was called for Encroachment.
3-5-HOU50 (3Q: 08:59) Donnie Sweeney pass completed to WR Philip Ogden for 8 yards. Tackled by ILB Cornell Beyer. Ogden gained 6 yards after the catch.
OFFENSE212 Personnel, Pro formation, ShotgunDEFENSE43 Under, Regular Personnel, Press-1
QB D.Sweeney
***LDE L.HartmanRush Passer+++
X(SE) M.KingOutlet, 1 Out (5-8)+++1tcDT R.FoxRush Passer+++
TE D.SharberOutlet, 3 Comeback (9-12)+++3tcDT D.ZoellnerRush Passer---
Z(FL) P.OgdenSecondary, S Screen (S)+++RDE M.SheaRush Passer+++
RB A.HarmonOutlet, 2 Slant (5-8)+++SLB C.BeyerBump and Run+++
FB E.AdderleyPrimary, 2 Slant (5-8)+++MLB A.RaffoBlitz Passer---
LT E.Pierzina
+++WLB D.ReidBlitz Passer+++
LG J.Berry
+++LCB B.FullerBump and Run+++
C B.Stevenson
+++RCB B.CodekeBump and Run+++
RG B.Wynn
+++SS R.RodgersBump and Run+++
RT J.Woods
+++FS G.SidhartaDeep Zone+++
1-10-MIN42 (3Q: 08:14) Avery Harmon ran a draw inside the right guard for 1 yard. Tackled by OLB Axel Raffo.
OFFENSE113 Personnel, Weak formationDEFENSE43 Under, Nickel Personnel, Cover-1
QB D.Sweeney
***LDE L.HartmanIn Box+++
X(SE) M.King
+++1tcDT R.FoxIn Box---
TE D.Sharber
+++3tcDT D.ZoellnerIn Box+++
Z(FL) P.Ogden
+++RDE M.SheaIn Box+++
RB A.HarmonBall Carrier+++MLB C.BeyerIn Box+++
SLOT C.Gaines
+++WLB A.RaffoIn Box+++
LT E.Pierzina
+++LCB D.ReidOut of Box+++
LG J.Berry
---RCB B.FullerOut of Box+++
C B.Stevenson
+++NB B.CodekeOut of Box+++
RG B.Wynn
---SS R.RodgersOut of Box+++
RT J.Woods
+++FS G.SidhartaOut of Box+++
2-9-MIN41 (3Q: 07:51) Donnie Sweeney pass fell incomplete, intended for WR Matt King. OLB Axel Raffo defended the pass. PENALTY: ILB Cornell Beyer of Minnesota was called for Defensive Holding.
OFFENSE113 Personnel, Strong formationDEFENSE43 Under, Nickel Personnel, Cover-1
QB D.Sweeney
***LDE L.HartmanRush Passer+++
X(SE) M.KingSecondary, F Flat (0-4)+++1tcDT R.FoxRush Passer+++
TE D.SharberPrimary, 1 Out (5-8)+++3tcDT D.ZoellnerRush Passer+++
Z(FL) P.OgdenOutlet, W Wheel (9-18)+++RDE M.SheaRush Passer+++
RB A.HarmonOutlet, F Flat (0-4)+++MLB C.BeyerShort Zone---
SLOT C.GainesOutlet, 3 Comeback (9-12)+++WLB A.RaffoShort Zone+++
LT E.Pierzina
---LCB D.ReidMan-to-Man+++
LG J.Berry
+++RCB B.FullerMan-to-Man+++
C B.Stevenson
+++NB B.CodekeMan-to-Man+++
RG B.Wynn
+++SS R.RodgersMan-to-Man---
RT J.Woods
+++FS G.SidhartaDeep Zone+++
1-10-MIN36 (3Q: 07:46) Avery Harmon ran inside the left tackle for 3 yards. Tackled by DT Drake Zoellner, assisted by S Bradley Codeke.
OFFENSE212 Personnel, Pro formation, ShotgunDEFENSE43 Under, Regular Personnel, Man to Man
QB D.Sweeney
***LDE L.HartmanIn Box+++
X(SE) M.King
+++1tcDT R.FoxIn Box+++
TE D.Sharber
+++3tcDT D.ZoellnerIn Box+++
Z(FL) P.Ogden
+++RDE M.SheaIn Box---
RB A.HarmonBall Carrier+++SLB C.BeyerIn Box+++
FB E.Adderley
+++MLB A.RaffoIn Box+++
LT E.Pierzina
+++WLB R.RodgersIn Box+++
LG J.Berry
+++LCB D.ReidOut of Box+++
C B.Stevenson
+++RCB B.FullerOut of Box---
RG B.Wynn
+++SS B.CodekeOut of Box+++
RT J.Woods
+++FS G.SidhartaOut of Box+++
2-7-MIN33 (3Q: 07:16) Play-Action. Donnie Sweeney pass was thrown incomplete, intended for WR Philip Ogden.
OFFENSE113 Personnel, I formationDEFENSE43 Under, Nickel Personnel, Cover-1
QB D.Sweeney
***LDE L.HartmanRush Passer+++
X(SE) M.KingOutlet, 3 Comeback (9-12)+++1tcDT R.FoxRush Passer+++
TE D.SharberOutlet, 6 Deep In (13-18)+++3tcDT D.ZoellnerRush Passer+++
Z(FL) P.OgdenPrimary, 2 Slant (5-8)+++RDE M.SheaRush Passer+++
RB A.HarmonProtect+++MLB C.BeyerShort Zone+++
SLOT C.GainesSecondary, S Screen (S)+++WLB A.RaffoShort Zone+++
LT E.Pierzina
+++LCB D.ReidMan-to-Man+++
LG J.Berry
+++RCB B.FullerMan-to-Man+++
C B.Stevenson
+++NB B.CodekeMan-to-Man+++
RG B.Wynn
+++SS R.RodgersMan-to-Man+++
RT J.Woods
+++FS G.SidhartaDeep Zone+++
3-7-MIN33 (3Q: 07:12) Donnie Sweeney pass fell incomplete, intended for WR Matt King. DE Lance Hartman hurried the quarterback into a bad throw.
OFFENSE113t Personnel, Weak formationDEFENSE43 Under, Nickel Personnel, Cover-3 Sky
QB D.Sweeney
***LDE L.HartmanRush Passer+++
X(SE) M.KingPrimary, F Flat (0-4)+++1tcDT R.FoxRush Passer+++
TE D.SharberSecondary, 3 Comeback (9-12)+++3tcDT D.ZoellnerRush Passer+++
Z(FL) P.OgdenOutlet, W Wheel (9-18)+++RDE M.SheaRush Passer+++
RB A.HarmonOutlet, 1 Out (5-8)+++MLB C.BeyerShort Zone+++
SLOT C.GainesOutlet, 9 Fade (27-39)+++WLB A.RaffoShort Zone+++
LT E.Pierzina
+++LCB D.ReidShort Zone+++
LG J.Berry
+++RCB B.FullerDeep Zone+++
C B.Stevenson
+++NB B.CodekeDeep Zone+++
RG B.Wynn
+++SS R.RodgersShort Zone+++
RT J.Woods
+++FS G.SidhartaDeep Zone+++
4-7-MIN33 (3Q: 07:06) Broderick Hillman attempted a 50 yard field goal and succeeded. Houston 19, Minnesota 7
(3Q: 07:01) Broderick Hillman kicked off 61 yards from the HOU35. Deon Haworth returned the ball 19 yards to the MIN23. Tackled by Brendan Stevenson. PENALTY: C Brendan Stevenson of Houston was called for a Face Mask on the Kick Return.
1-10-MIN38 (3Q: 06:39) Anthony Rice ran around right end for -3 yards. Tackled by DE Rod Bennett, assisted by S Mo Reed.
OFFENSE113t Personnel, I formationDEFENSE34 Eagle, Nickel Personnel, Cover-3 Sky
QB W.Hargrove
***LDE R.BennettIn Box+++
X(SE) C.Olivas
+++1tcDT S.JohannsonIn Box+++
TE G.Small
+++RDE C.MartinezIn Box+++
Z(FL) D.Comegys
+++SLB E.McDanielIn Box+++
RB A.RiceBall Carrier+++SILB D.GrieseIn Box+++
SLOT C.Farmer
+++WLB A.CzajkowskiIn Box+++
LT G.Harner
+++LCB A.KershawOut of Box+++
LG F.Berger
+++RCB L.HolmesOut of Box+++
C D.Delhomme
+++NB J.AdlerOut of Box+++
RG D.Newman
+++SS M.ReedOut of Box+++
RT M.Manard
---FS D.WebbOut of Box+++
2-13-MIN35 (3Q: 06:03) Wally Hargrove pass fell incomplete, intended for WR Diego Comegys. ILB Emmitt Collier defended the pass.
OFFENSE212 Personnel, Pro formation, ShotgunDEFENSE34 Eagle, Regular Personnel, Cover-2
QB W.Hargrove
***LDE R.BennettRush Passer+++
X(SE) C.OlivasPrimary, S Screen (S)+++1tcDT S.JohannsonRush Passer+++
TE G.SmallOutlet, 8 Post (19-26)+++RDE C.MartinezRush Passer+++
Z(FL) D.ComegysSecondary, 1 Out (5-8)+++SLB E.McDanielShort Zone+++
RB A.RiceOutlet, 4 Curl (9-12)+++SILB D.GrieseShort Zone+++
FB O.LermaProtect+++WILB E.CollierShort Zone+++
LT G.Harner
+++WLB A.CzajkowskiShort Zone+++
LG F.Berger
+++LCB A.KershawMan-to-Man+++
C D.Delhomme
+++RCB L.HolmesMan-to-Man+++
RG D.Newman
+++SS M.ReedDeep Zone+++
RT M.Manard
+++FS D.WebbDeep Zone+++
3-13-MIN35 (3Q: 05:59) Wally Hargrove pass completed to WR Camden Farmer for 11 yards. Tackled by S Les Holmes. Farmer gained 8 yards after the catch.
OFFENSE113 Personnel, I formationDEFENSE34 Eagle, Nickel Personnel, Cover-3 Cloud
QB W.Hargrove
***LDE R.BennettRush Passer+++
X(SE) C.OlivasOutlet, 9 Fade (27-39)+++1tcDT S.JohannsonRush Passer+++
TE G.SmallSecondary, 2 Slant (5-8)+++RDE C.MartinezRush Passer+++
Z(FL) D.ComegysPrimary, 5 Deep Out (13-18)+++SLB E.McDanielShort Zone+++
RB A.RiceOutlet, S Screen (S)+++SILB D.GrieseShort Zone+++
SLOT C.FarmerOutlet, S Screen (S)---WLB A.CzajkowskiBlitz Passer+++
LT G.Harner
+++LCB A.KershawMan-to-Man---
LG F.Berger
+++RCB L.HolmesShort Zone+++
C D.Delhomme
+++NB J.AdlerDeep Zone---
RG D.Newman
+++SS M.ReedDeep Zone+++
RT M.Manard
+++FS D.WebbDeep Zone+++
4-2-MIN46 (3Q: 05:37) John Widell punted 49 yards. Matt King returned the kick 3 yards to the HOU08. Tackled by Darrin Reid.
1-10-HOU08 (3Q: 05:29) Avery Harmon ran a trap outside the right tackle for 2 yards. Tackled by DT Drake Zoellner, assisted by OLB Robert Rodgers.
OFFENSE113t Personnel, Weak formation, ShotgunDEFENSE43 Under, Nickel Personnel, Man to Man
QB D.Sweeney
***LDE L.HartmanIn Box+++
X(SE) M.King
+++1tcDT R.FoxIn Box+++
TE D.Sharber
+++3tcDT D.ZoellnerIn Box+++
Z(FL) P.Ogden
+++RDE M.SheaIn Box+++
RB A.HarmonBall Carrier+++MLB C.BeyerIn Box+++
SLOT C.Gaines
+++WLB A.RaffoIn Box+++
LT E.Pierzina
---LCB D.ReidOut of Box+++
LG J.Berry
+++RCB B.FullerOut of Box+++
C B.Stevenson
+++NB B.CodekeOut of Box+++
RG B.Wynn
+++SS R.RodgersOut of Box+++
RT J.Woods
+++FS G.SidhartaOut of Box+++
2-8-HOU10 (3Q: 04:55) Donnie Sweeney pass completed to WR Matt King for 11 yards. Tackled by OLB Axel Raffo. King gained 10 yards after the catch.
OFFENSE212 Personnel, Pro formation, PistolDEFENSE43 Under, Regular Personnel, Man to Man
QB D.Sweeney
***LDE L.HartmanRush Passer+++
X(SE) M.KingPrimary, F Flat (0-4)+++1tcDT R.FoxRush Passer+++
TE D.SharberOutlet, 7 Corner (19-26)+++3tcDT D.ZoellnerRush Passer+++
Z(FL) P.OgdenOutlet, 4 Curl (9-12)+++RDE M.SheaRush Passer+++
RB A.HarmonOutlet, 1 Out (5-8)+++SLB C.BeyerShort Zone---
FB E.AdderleySecondary, W Wheel (9-18)+++MLB A.RaffoBump and Run+++
LT E.Pierzina
+++WLB R.RodgersBlitz Passer---
LG J.Berry
+++LCB D.ReidBump and Run+++
C B.Stevenson
+++RCB B.FullerBump and Run+++
RG B.Wynn
+++SS B.CodekeBump and Run+++
RT J.Woods
+++FS G.SidhartaBump and Run+++
1-10-HOU21 (3Q: 04:14) Donnie Sweeney pass completed to WR Chester Gaines for 3 yards. Tackled by ILB Cornell Beyer.
OFFENSE023 Personnel, ShotgunDEFENSE43 Under, Nickel Personnel, Press-2
QB D.Sweeney
***LDE L.HartmanRush Passer+++
X(SE) M.KingOutlet, 9 Fade (27-39)+++1tcDT R.FoxRush Passer---
TE D.SharberSecondary, 2 Slant (5-8)+++3tcDT D.ZoellnerRush Passer+++
Z(FL) P.OgdenOutlet, W Wheel (9-18)+++RDE M.SheaRush Passer+++
SLOT C.GainesPrimary, 2 Slant (5-8)+++MLB C.BeyerShort Zone+++
TE A.CastilloOutlet, S Screen (S)+++WLB A.RaffoShort Zone+++
LT E.Pierzina
+++LCB D.ReidBump and Run+++
LG J.Berry
+++RCB B.FullerBump and Run+++
C B.Stevenson
+++NB B.CodekeShort Zone+++
RG B.Wynn
+++SS R.RodgersDeep Zone+++
RT J.Woods
+++FS G.SidhartaDeep Zone+++
2-7-HOU24 (3Q: 03:45) Donnie Sweeney pass completed to WR Matt King for 17 yards. Tackled by S Bradley Codeke. The receiver ran his route right over the middle of the field. King gained 15 yards after the catch. PENALTY: C Brendan Stevenson of Houston was called for Offensive Holding.
OFFENSE122 Personnel, Strong formationDEFENSE43 Under, Regular Personnel, Press-1
QB D.Sweeney
***LDE L.HartmanRush Passer+++
X(SE) M.KingPrimary, 0 Dig (0-4)+++1tcDT R.FoxRush Passer+++
TE D.SharberOutlet, F Flat (0-4)+++3tcDT D.ZoellnerRush Passer+++
Z(FL) P.OgdenOutlet, 9 Fade (27-39)+++RDE M.SheaRush Passer+++
RB A.HarmonProtect+++SLB C.BeyerBump and Run---
TE A.CastilloSecondary, 1 Out (5-8)+++MLB A.RaffoBlitz Passer+++
LT E.Pierzina
+++WLB R.RodgersBlitz Passer+++
LG J.Berry
+++LCB D.ReidBump and Run---
C B.Stevenson
---RCB B.FullerBump and Run+++
RG B.Wynn
+++SS B.CodekeBump and Run---
RT J.Woods
+++FS G.SidhartaDeep Zone+++
2-17-HOU14 (3Q: 03:34) Donnie Sweeney pass completed to RB Avery Harmon for 11 yards. Tackled by DE Mason Shea. Harmon gained 7 yards after the catch.
OFFENSE113t Personnel, Pro formationDEFENSE43 Under, Nickel Personnel, Press-2
QB D.Sweeney
***LDE L.HartmanRush Passer+++
X(SE) M.KingOutlet, 1 Out (5-8)+++1tcDT R.FoxRush Passer+++
TE D.SharberSecondary, 8 Post (19-26)+++3tcDT D.ZoellnerRush Passer+++
Z(FL) P.OgdenOutlet, 3 Comeback (9-12)---RDE M.SheaRush Passer+++
RB A.HarmonPrimary, S Screen (S)+++MLB C.BeyerShort Zone+++
SLOT C.GainesOutlet, W Wheel (9-18)+++WLB A.RaffoShort Zone+++
LT E.Pierzina
+++LCB D.ReidBump and Run+++
LG J.Berry
+++RCB B.FullerBump and Run+++
C B.Stevenson
+++NB B.CodekeShort Zone---
RG B.Wynn
+++SS R.RodgersDeep Zone+++
RT J.Woods
+++FS G.SidhartaDeep Zone---
3-6-HOU25 (3Q: 03:04) Donnie Sweeney pass fell incomplete, intended for RB Avery Harmon. DE Mason Shea hurried the quarterback into a bad throw.
OFFENSE122 Personnel, Weak formation, ShotgunDEFENSE43 Under, Regular Personnel, Tampa-2
QB D.Sweeney
***LDE L.HartmanRush Passer+++
X(SE) M.KingOutlet, 5 Deep Out (13-18)+++1tcDT R.FoxRush Passer+++
TE D.SharberOutlet, W Wheel (9-18)+++3tcDT D.ZoellnerRush Passer+++
Z(FL) P.OgdenOutlet, 5 Deep Out (13-18)---RDE M.SheaRush Passer+++
RB A.HarmonPrimary, S Screen (S)+++SLB C.BeyerShort Zone+++
TE A.CastilloSecondary, 4 Curl (9-12)+++MLB A.RaffoDeep Zone+++
LT E.Pierzina
+++WLB D.ReidShort Zone+++
LG J.Berry
+++LCB B.FullerMan-to-Man+++
C B.Stevenson
+++RCB B.CodekeMan-to-Man+++
RG B.Wynn
+++SS R.RodgersDeep Zone+++
RT J.Woods
+++FS G.SidhartaDeep Zone+++
4-6-HOU25 (3Q: 02:59) Malachi Sutter punted 41 yards. Marc Hopper returned the kick 14 yards to the MIN48. PENALTY: RB Anthony Rice of Minnesota was called for an Illegal Block on the Punt Return.
1-10-MIN25 (3Q: 02:48) Wally Hargrove sacked by DE Rod Bennett for a loss of 4 yards. Sack allowed by Dylan Delhomme.
OFFENSE113t Personnel, I formationDEFENSE34 Eagle, Nickel Personnel, Cover-2
QB W.Hargrove
***LDE R.BennettRush Passer+++
X(SE) C.OlivasOutlet, W Wheel (9-18)---1tcDT S.JohannsonRush Passer+++
TE G.SmallPrimary, S Screen (S)+++RDE C.MartinezRush Passer+++
Z(FL) D.ComegysOutlet, 2 Slant (5-8)+++SLB E.McDanielShort Zone+++
RB A.RiceOutlet, S Screen (S)+++SILB D.GrieseShort Zone+++
SLOT C.FarmerSecondary, 2 Slant (5-8)+++WLB A.CzajkowskiShort Zone+++
LT G.Harner
+++LCB A.KershawMan-to-Man+++
LG F.Berger
+++RCB L.HolmesMan-to-Man+++
C D.Delhomme
---NB J.AdlerShort Zone+++
RG D.Newman
+++SS M.ReedDeep Zone+++
RT M.Manard
---FS D.WebbDeep Zone+++
2-14-MIN21 (3Q: 02:02) Wally Hargrove pass completed to WR Claude Olivas for 6 yards. Tackled by S Damon Webb.
OFFENSE221 Personnel, Strong formationDEFENSE34 Eagle, Regular Personnel, Cover-2
QB W.Hargrove
***LDE R.BennettRush Passer+++
TE G.SmallOutlet, 3 Comeback (9-12)+++1tcDT S.JohannsonRush Passer+++
TE O.LermaOutlet, 8 Post (19-26)+++RDE C.MartinezRush Passer---
Z(FL) C.OlivasPrimary, S Screen (S)+++SLB E.McDanielShort Zone+++
RB A.RiceSecondary, W Wheel (9-18)+++SILB D.GrieseShort Zone+++
FB R.RodgersOutlet, F Flat (0-4)+++WILB E.CollierShort Zone+++
LT G.Harner
+++WLB A.CzajkowskiShort Zone+++
LG F.Berger
+++LCB A.KershawMan-to-Man+++
C D.Delhomme
+++RCB L.HolmesMan-to-Man---
RG D.Newman
+++SS M.ReedDeep Zone+++
RT M.Manard
+++FS D.WebbDeep Zone+++
3-8-MIN27 (3Q: 01:23) Wally Hargrove pass fell incomplete, intended for WR Claude Olivas. S Artie Kershaw defended the pass.
OFFENSE005 PersonnelDEFENSE34 Eagle, Dime Personnel, Cover-3 Cloud
QB W.Hargrove
***LDE R.BennettRush Passer+++
X(SE) C.OlivasSecondary, 2 Slant (5-8)+++1tcDT S.JohannsonRush Passer+++
SLOT D.ComegysOutlet, 9 Fade (27-39)+++RDE C.MartinezRush Passer+++
Z(FL) C.FarmerPrimary, 3 Comeback (9-12)+++SLB E.McDanielShort Zone+++
SLOT A.RiceOutlet, S Screen (S)+++WLB A.CzajkowskiShort Zone+++
SLOT R.RodgersOutlet, 4 Curl (9-12)+++LCB A.KershawMan-to-Man+++
LT G.Harner
+++RCB L.HolmesShort Zone+++
LG F.Berger
+++NB J.AdlerBlitz Passer+++
C D.Delhomme
---DB G.HallDeep Zone+++
RG D.Newman
---SS M.ReedDeep Zone+++
RT M.Manard
+++FS D.WebbDeep Zone+++
4-8-MIN27 (3Q: 01:16) John Widell punted 53 yards. Matt King returned the kick 5 yards to the HOU25. Tackled by Santiago Wyche.
1-10-HOU25 (3Q: 01:07) PENALTY: WR Chester Gaines of Houston was called for a False Start.
1-15-HOU20 (3Q: 01:01) Donnie Sweeney pass was dropped by WR Matt King.
OFFENSE122 Personnel, I formationDEFENSE43 Under, Regular Personnel, Man to Man
QB D.Sweeney
***LDE L.HartmanRush Passer+++
X(SE) M.KingPrimary, 1 Out (5-8)---1tcDT R.FoxRush Passer+++
TE D.SharberSecondary, 0 Dig (0-4)+++3tcDT D.ZoellnerRush Passer+++
Z(FL) P.OgdenOutlet, 5 Deep Out (13-18)+++RDE M.SheaRush Passer+++
RB A.HarmonOutlet, S Screen (S)+++SLB C.BeyerShort Zone+++
TE A.CastilloOutlet, F Flat (0-4)+++MLB A.RaffoBump and Run+++
LT E.Pierzina
+++WLB R.RodgersBump and Run+++
LG J.Berry
+++LCB D.ReidBump and Run+++
C B.Stevenson
+++RCB B.FullerBlitz Passer+++
RG B.Wynn
+++SS B.CodekeBump and Run+++
RT J.Woods
+++FS G.SidhartaBump and Run+++
2-15-HOU20 (3Q: 00:57) Avery Harmon ran outside the right tackle for 6 yards. Tackled by OLB Axel Raffo, assisted by S Brayden Fuller.
OFFENSE113t Personnel, I formationDEFENSE43 Under, Nickel Personnel, Cover-1
QB D.Sweeney
***LDE L.HartmanIn Box---
X(SE) M.King
+++1tcDT R.FoxIn Box+++
TE D.Sharber
+++3tcDT D.ZoellnerIn Box+++
Z(FL) P.Ogden
+++RDE M.SheaIn Box+++
RB A.HarmonBall Carrier+++MLB C.BeyerIn Box+++
SLOT C.Gaines
+++WLB A.RaffoIn Box+++
LT E.Pierzina
+++LCB D.ReidOut of Box+++
LG J.Berry
+++RCB B.FullerOut of Box+++
C B.Stevenson
+++NB B.CodekeOut of Box+++
RG B.Wynn
+++SS R.RodgersOut of Box+++
RT J.Woods
+++FS G.SidhartaOut of Box+++
3-9-HOU26 (3Q: 00:30) Donnie Sweeney pass completed to WR Chester Gaines for 10 yards. Tackled by S Bradley Codeke.
OFFENSE113t Personnel, Strong formationDEFENSE43 Under, Nickel Personnel, Press-1
QB D.Sweeney
***LDE L.HartmanRush Passer+++
X(SE) M.KingSecondary, 1 Out (5-8)+++1tcDT R.FoxRush Passer+++
TE D.SharberOutlet, 4 Curl (9-12)+++3tcDT D.ZoellnerRush Passer+++
Z(FL) P.OgdenOutlet, 2 Slant (5-8)+++RDE M.SheaRush Passer+++
RB A.HarmonProtect+++MLB C.BeyerBump and Run+++
SLOT C.GainesPrimary, 4 Curl (9-12)+++WLB A.RaffoBlitz Passer---
LT E.Pierzina
+++LCB D.ReidBlitz Passer+++
LG J.Berry
+++RCB B.FullerBump and Run+++
C B.Stevenson
+++NB B.CodekeBump and Run---
RG B.Wynn
+++SS R.RodgersBump and Run+++
RT J.Woods
+++FS G.SidhartaDeep Zone+++
Start of fourth quarter.
1-10-HOU36 (4Q: 15:00) Donnie Sweeney kept the ball, running around the left tackle for 2 yards. Tackled by S Bradley Codeke.
OFFENSE113t Personnel, Weak formationDEFENSE43 Under, Nickel Personnel, Press-2
QB D.SweeneyBall Carrier***LDE L.HartmanIn Box+++
X(SE) M.King
+++1tcDT R.FoxIn Box+++
TE D.Sharber
+++3tcDT D.ZoellnerIn Box+++
Z(FL) P.Ogden
+++RDE M.SheaIn Box---
RB A.Harmon
+++MLB C.BeyerIn Box+++
SLOT C.Gaines
+++WLB A.RaffoIn Box+++
LT E.Pierzina
+++LCB D.ReidOut of Box+++
LG J.Berry
+++RCB B.FullerOut of Box+++
C B.Stevenson
+++NB B.CodekeOut of Box+++
RG B.Wynn
---SS R.RodgersOut of Box+++
RT J.Woods
+++FS G.SidhartaOut of Box+++
2-8-HOU38 (4Q: 14:28) Donnie Sweeney sacked by DE Lance Hartman and DT Roderick Fox for a loss of 5 yards. Hartman ran right past Ernie Pierzina and knocked down the quarterback.
OFFENSE122 Personnel, I formationDEFENSE43 Under, Regular Personnel, Man to Man
QB D.Sweeney
***LDE L.HartmanRush Passer+++
X(SE) M.KingPrimary, 1 Out (5-8)---1tcDT R.FoxRush Passer+++
TE D.SharberSecondary, 0 Dig (0-4)+++3tcDT D.ZoellnerRush Passer+++
Z(FL) P.OgdenOutlet, 5 Deep Out (13-18)---RDE M.SheaRush Passer+++
RB A.HarmonOutlet, S Screen (S)+++SLB C.BeyerShort Zone+++
TE A.CastilloOutlet, F Flat (0-4)---MLB A.RaffoBump and Run+++
LT E.Pierzina
---WLB R.RodgersBlitz Passer+++
LG J.Berry
+++LCB D.ReidBump and Run+++
C B.Stevenson
+++RCB B.FullerBump and Run+++
RG B.Wynn
---SS B.CodekeBump and Run+++
RT J.Woods
+++FS G.SidhartaBump and Run+++
3-13-HOU33 (4Q: 13:53) Donnie Sweeney pass completed to WR Chester Gaines for 14 yards. Tackled by CB Gus Sidharta.
OFFENSE113t Personnel, Strong formation, ShotgunDEFENSE43 Under, Nickel Personnel, Press-1
QB D.Sweeney
***LDE L.HartmanRush Passer+++
X(SE) M.KingOutlet, 8 Post (19-26)+++1tcDT R.FoxRush Passer+++
TE D.SharberSecondary, 3 Comeback (9-12)+++3tcDT D.ZoellnerRush Passer+++
Z(FL) P.OgdenPrimary, 9 Fade (27-39)+++RDE M.SheaRush Passer+++
RB A.HarmonProtect+++MLB C.BeyerBlitz Passer+++
SLOT C.GainesOutlet, 5 Deep Out (13-18)+++WLB A.RaffoBlitz Passer+++
LT E.Pierzina
+++LCB D.ReidBump and Run---
LG J.Berry
+++RCB B.FullerBump and Run+++
C B.Stevenson
+++NB B.CodekeBump and Run+++
RG B.Wynn
+++SS R.RodgersBump and Run---
RT J.Woods
+++FS G.SidhartaDeep Zone+++
1-10-HOU47 (4Q: 13:12) Donnie Sweeney pass fell incomplete, intended for RB Avery Harmon. DE Mason Shea hurried the quarterback into a bad throw.
OFFENSE131 Personnel, Weak formationDEFENSE43 Under, Regular Personnel, Press-1
QB D.Sweeney
***LDE L.HartmanRush Passer+++
TE D.SharberSecondary, F Flat (0-4)+++1tcDT R.FoxRush Passer+++
TE A.CastilloOutlet, S Screen (S)+++3tcDT D.ZoellnerRush Passer+++
Z(FL) M.KingOutlet, S Screen (S)---RDE M.SheaRush Passer+++
RB A.HarmonPrimary, F Flat (0-4)+++SLB C.BeyerBlitz Passer+++
TE E.AdderleyOutlet, 0 Dig (0-4)+++MLB A.RaffoBump and Run+++
LT E.Pierzina
+++WLB R.RodgersBump and Run+++
LG J.Berry
+++LCB D.ReidBump and Run+++
C B.Stevenson
+++RCB B.FullerBump and Run+++
RG B.Wynn
+++SS B.CodekeBlitz Passer+++
RT J.Woods
+++FS G.SidhartaDeep Zone+++
2-10-HOU47 (4Q: 13:08) Avery Harmon ran inside the left tackle for 2 yards. Tackled by DE Lance Hartman, assisted by DE Mason Shea.
OFFENSE203 Personnel, I formationDEFENSE43 Under, Nickel Personnel, Cover-2
QB D.Sweeney
***LDE L.HartmanIn Box+++
X(SE) M.King
+++1tcDT R.FoxIn Box+++
SLOT P.Ogden
+++3tcDT D.ZoellnerIn Box+++
Z(FL) C.Gaines
+++RDE M.SheaIn Box+++
RB A.HarmonBall Carrier+++MLB C.BeyerIn Box+++
FB E.Adderley
+++WLB A.RaffoIn Box+++
LT E.Pierzina
+++LCB D.ReidOut of Box+++
LG J.Berry
+++RCB B.FullerOut of Box+++
C B.Stevenson
+++NB B.CodekeOut of Box+++
RG B.Wynn
+++SS R.RodgersOut of Box+++
RT J.Woods
+++FS G.SidhartaOut of Box+++
3-8-HOU49 (4Q: 12:42) Donnie Sweeney pass fell incomplete, intended for TE Dominique Sharber. DE Lance Hartman hurried the quarterback into a bad throw.
OFFENSE122 Personnel, Weak formationDEFENSE43 Under, Regular Personnel, Cover-3 Sky
QB D.Sweeney
***LDE L.HartmanRush Passer+++
X(SE) M.KingOutlet, 8 Post (19-26)+++1tcDT R.FoxRush Passer+++
TE D.SharberPrimary, 5 Deep Out (13-18)+++3tcDT D.ZoellnerRush Passer+++
Z(FL) P.OgdenOutlet, 0 Dig (0-4)+++RDE M.SheaRush Passer+++
RB A.HarmonOutlet, S Screen (S)+++SLB C.BeyerShort Zone+++
TE A.CastilloSecondary, 4 Curl (9-12)+++MLB A.RaffoShort Zone+++
LT E.Pierzina
+++WLB D.ReidShort Zone+++
LG J.Berry
+++LCB B.FullerDeep Zone+++
C B.Stevenson
+++RCB B.CodekeDeep Zone+++
RG B.Wynn
---SS R.RodgersShort Zone+++
RT J.Woods
---FS G.SidhartaDeep Zone+++
4-8-HOU49 (4Q: 12:34) Malachi Sutter punted 35 yards. The ball was marked out of bounds at the MIN16.
1-10-MIN16 (4Q: 12:26) Anthony Rice ran around the left tackle for 0 yards. Tackled by S Les Holmes.
OFFENSE113t Personnel, I formationDEFENSE34 Eagle, Nickel Personnel, Cover-2
QB W.Hargrove
***LDE R.BennettIn Box+++
X(SE) C.Olivas
+++1tcDT S.JohannsonIn Box+++
TE G.Small
+++RDE C.MartinezIn Box+++
Z(FL) D.Comegys
+++SLB E.McDanielIn Box+++
RB A.RiceBall Carrier+++SILB D.GrieseIn Box+++
SLOT C.Farmer
+++WLB A.CzajkowskiIn Box+++
LT G.Harner
+++LCB A.KershawOut of Box+++
LG F.Berger
+++RCB L.HolmesOut of Box+++
C D.Delhomme
+++NB J.AdlerOut of Box+++
RG D.Newman
+++SS M.ReedOut of Box+++
RT M.Manard
+++FS D.WebbOut of Box+++
2-10-MIN16 (4Q: 11:52) Wally Hargrove pass completed to FB Oscar Lerma for 6 yards. Tackled by DT Steve Johannson, assisted by OLB Eric McDaniel. PENALTY: DE Rod Bennett of Houston was called for Offsides.
OFFENSE023 PersonnelDEFENSE34 Eagle, Nickel Personnel, Cover-2
QB W.Hargrove
***LDE R.BennettRush Passer---
X(SE) C.OlivasOutlet, 0 Dig (0-4)+++1tcDT S.JohannsonRush Passer+++
TE G.SmallOutlet, W Wheel (9-18)+++RDE C.MartinezRush Passer---
Z(FL) D.ComegysOutlet, 5 Deep Out (13-18)+++SLB E.McDanielShort Zone+++
SLOT C.FarmerSecondary, 0 Dig (0-4)+++SILB D.GrieseShort Zone+++
TE O.LermaPrimary, S Screen (S)+++WLB A.CzajkowskiShort Zone+++
LT G.Harner
+++LCB A.KershawMan-to-Man+++
LG F.Berger
+++RCB L.HolmesMan-to-Man+++
C D.Delhomme
+++NB J.AdlerShort Zone+++
RG D.Newman
+++SS M.ReedDeep Zone+++
RT M.Manard
+++FS D.WebbDeep Zone+++
2-5-MIN21 (4Q: 11:42) Anthony Rice ran inside the right tackle for -1 yards. Tackled by S Mo Reed.
OFFENSE113 Personnel, Strong formation, ShotgunDEFENSE34 Eagle, Nickel Personnel, Cover-2
QB W.Hargrove
***LDE R.BennettIn Box+++
X(SE) C.Olivas
+++1tcDT S.JohannsonIn Box+++
TE G.Small
---RDE C.MartinezIn Box+++
Z(FL) D.Comegys
+++SLB E.McDanielIn Box+++
RB A.RiceBall Carrier+++SILB D.GrieseIn Box+++
SLOT C.Farmer
+++WLB A.CzajkowskiIn Box+++
LT G.Harner
+++LCB A.KershawOut of Box+++
LG F.Berger
+++RCB L.HolmesOut of Box+++
C D.Delhomme
---NB J.AdlerOut of Box+++
RG D.Newman
+++SS M.ReedOut of Box+++
RT M.Manard
+++FS D.WebbOut of Box+++
3-6-MIN20 (4Q: 11:12) Wally Hargrove pass completed to RB Anthony Rice for 3 yards. Tackled by S Damon Webb, assisted by DE Alec Czajkowski.
OFFENSE122 Personnel, Strong formationDEFENSE34 Eagle, Regular Personnel, Cover-3 Sky
QB W.Hargrove
***LDE R.BennettRush Passer+++
X(SE) C.OlivasOutlet, W Wheel (9-18)---1tcDT S.JohannsonRush Passer---
TE G.SmallSecondary, 3 Comeback (9-12)+++RDE C.MartinezRush Passer+++
Z(FL) D.ComegysPrimary, 2 Slant (5-8)+++SLB E.McDanielShort Zone+++
RB A.RiceOutlet, S Screen (S)+++SILB D.GrieseShort Zone+++
TE O.LermaOutlet, 2 Slant (5-8)+++WILB A.CzajkowskiShort Zone+++
LT G.Harner
+++WLB A.KershawBlitz Passer+++
LG F.Berger
+++LCB L.HolmesDeep Zone+++
C D.Delhomme
+++RCB J.AdlerDeep Zone+++
RG D.Newman
+++SS M.ReedShort Zone+++
RT M.Manard
+++FS D.WebbDeep Zone+++
4-3-MIN23 (4Q: 10:39) John Widell punted 41 yards. Matt King called for a fair catch at the HOU36.
1-10-HOU36 (4Q: 10:28) Avery Harmon ran around right end for 23 yards. Tackled by OLB Robert Rodgers. Key block delivered by Brendan Stevenson.
OFFENSE113t Personnel, Weak formation, ShotgunDEFENSE43 Under, Nickel Personnel, Cover-1
QB D.Sweeney
***LDE L.HartmanIn Box+++
X(SE) M.King
+++1tcDT R.FoxIn Box+++
TE D.Sharber
+++3tcDT D.ZoellnerIn Box+++
Z(FL) P.Ogden
+++RDE M.SheaIn Box+++
RB A.HarmonBall Carrier+++MLB C.BeyerIn Box---
SLOT C.Gaines
+++WLB A.RaffoIn Box---
LT E.Pierzina
+++LCB D.ReidOut of Box+++
LG J.Berry
+++RCB B.FullerOut of Box+++
C B.Stevenson
+++NB B.CodekeOut of Box+++
RG B.Wynn
+++SS R.RodgersOut of Box+++
RT J.Woods
+++FS G.SidhartaOut of Box+++
1-10-MIN41 (4Q: 09:53) PENALTY: DT Drake Zoellner of Minnesota was called for Encroachment.
1-5-MIN36 (4Q: 09:45) Donnie Sweeney pass completed to WR Philip Ogden for -1 yards. Tackled by ILB Cornell Beyer.
OFFENSE122 Personnel, Weak formation, ShotgunDEFENSE43 Under, Regular Personnel, Press-1
QB D.Sweeney
***LDE L.HartmanRush Passer+++
X(SE) M.KingSecondary, 2 Slant (5-8)+++1tcDT R.FoxRush Passer+++
TE D.SharberProtect+++3tcDT D.ZoellnerRush Passer+++
Z(FL) P.OgdenPrimary, 0 Dig (0-4)+++RDE M.SheaRush Passer+++
RB A.HarmonOutlet, F Flat (0-4)+++SLB C.BeyerBump and Run+++
TE A.CastilloOutlet, 2 Slant (5-8)+++MLB A.RaffoBlitz Passer+++
LT E.Pierzina
+++WLB R.RodgersBlitz Passer+++
LG J.Berry
+++LCB D.ReidBump and Run+++
C B.Stevenson
+++RCB B.FullerBump and Run+++
RG B.Wynn
+++SS B.CodekeBump and Run---
RT J.Woods
+++FS G.SidhartaDeep Zone+++
2-6-MIN37 (4Q: 08:59) Donnie Sweeney pass fell incomplete, intended for WR Matt King. DE Lance Hartman hurried the quarterback into a bad throw.
OFFENSE212 Personnel, Strong formationDEFENSE43 Under, Regular Personnel, Cover-1
QB D.Sweeney
***LDE L.HartmanRush Passer+++
X(SE) M.KingPrimary, 2 Slant (5-8)+++1tcDT R.FoxRush Passer+++
TE D.SharberSecondary, 1 Out (5-8)+++3tcDT D.ZoellnerRush Passer+++
Z(FL) P.OgdenOutlet, 7 Corner (19-26)+++RDE M.SheaRush Passer+++
RB A.HarmonOutlet, 1 Out (5-8)+++SLB C.BeyerShort Zone+++
FB E.AdderleyOutlet, S Screen (S)+++MLB A.RaffoShort Zone+++
LT E.Pierzina
+++WLB R.RodgersMan-to-Man+++
LG J.Berry
+++LCB D.ReidMan-to-Man---
C B.Stevenson
+++RCB B.FullerMan-to-Man+++
RG B.Wynn
+++SS B.CodekeMan-to-Man+++
RT J.Woods
+++FS G.SidhartaDeep Zone+++
3-6-MIN37 (4Q: 08:53) Donnie Sweeney pass completed to WR Chester Gaines for 10 yards. Tackled by ILB Cornell Beyer. Gaines gained 6 yards after the catch. Minnesota's Cornell Beyer was hurt on the play. This appears to be a minor ribcage injury. He should be able to remain in the game.
OFFENSE113t Personnel, Weak formation, ShotgunDEFENSE43 Under, Nickel Personnel, Cover-3 Sky
QB D.Sweeney
***LDE L.HartmanRush Passer---
X(SE) M.KingSecondary, S Screen (S)+++1tcDT R.FoxRush Passer+++
TE D.SharberOutlet, 6 Deep In (13-18)+++3tcDT D.ZoellnerRush Passer---
Z(FL) P.OgdenOutlet, 7 Corner (19-26)+++RDE M.SheaRush Passer+++
RB A.HarmonProtect+++MLB C.BeyerShort Zone+++
SLOT C.GainesPrimary, 0 Dig (0-4)+++WLB A.RaffoShort Zone+++
LT E.Pierzina
+++LCB D.ReidShort Zone+++
LG J.Berry
+++RCB B.FullerDeep Zone+++
C B.Stevenson
+++NB B.CodekeDeep Zone+++
RG B.Wynn
+++SS R.RodgersShort Zone+++
RT J.Woods
+++FS G.SidhartaDeep Zone+++
1-10-MIN27 (4Q: 08:13) Avery Harmon ran a trap outside the right tackle for -1 yards. Tackled by OLB Robert Rodgers.
OFFENSE113t Personnel, Weak formation, ShotgunDEFENSE43 Under, Nickel Personnel, Cover-1
QB D.Sweeney
***LDE L.HartmanIn Box+++
X(SE) M.King
+++1tcDT R.FoxIn Box+++
TE D.Sharber
+++3tcDT D.ZoellnerIn Box+++
Z(FL) P.Ogden
+++RDE M.SheaIn Box---
RB A.HarmonBall Carrier+++MLB A.RaffoIn Box+++
SLOT C.Gaines
+++WLB R.RodgersIn Box+++
LT E.Pierzina
---LCB D.ReidOut of Box+++
LG J.Berry
+++RCB B.FullerOut of Box+++
C B.Stevenson
+++NB B.CodekeOut of Box+++
RG B.Wynn
+++SS G.SidhartaOut of Box+++
RT J.Woods
+++FS J.BuelOut of Box+++
2-11-MIN28 (4Q: 07:44) Avery Harmon ran inside the left tackle for 3 yards. Tackled by DE Lance Hartman, assisted by OLB Robert Rodgers.
OFFENSE113t Personnel, Strong formationDEFENSE43 Under, Nickel Personnel, Cover-1
QB D.Sweeney
***LDE L.HartmanIn Box+++
X(SE) M.King
+++1tcDT R.FoxIn Box+++
TE D.Sharber
+++3tcDT D.ZoellnerIn Box+++
Z(FL) P.Ogden
+++RDE M.SheaIn Box+++
RB A.HarmonBall Carrier+++MLB A.RaffoIn Box+++
SLOT C.Gaines
+++WLB R.RodgersIn Box+++
LT E.Pierzina
+++LCB D.ReidOut of Box+++
LG J.Berry
+++RCB B.FullerOut of Box+++
C B.Stevenson
+++NB B.CodekeOut of Box+++
RG B.Wynn
+++SS G.SidhartaOut of Box+++
RT J.Woods
+++FS J.BuelOut of Box+++
3-8-MIN25 (4Q: 06:58) PENALTY: G Ernie Pierzina of Houston was called for a False Start.
3-13-MIN30 (4Q: 06:49) Avery Harmon ran inside the left tackle for 2 yards. Tackled by DE Mason Shea, assisted by OLB Robert Rodgers.
OFFENSE113t Personnel, Strong formationDEFENSE43 Under, Nickel Personnel, Press-1
QB D.Sweeney
***LDE L.HartmanIn Box---
X(SE) M.King
+++1tcDT R.FoxIn Box+++
TE D.Sharber
+++3tcDT D.ZoellnerIn Box+++
Z(FL) P.Ogden
+++RDE M.SheaIn Box+++
RB A.HarmonBall Carrier+++MLB A.RaffoIn Box+++
SLOT C.Gaines
+++WLB R.RodgersIn Box+++
LT E.Pierzina
+++LCB D.ReidOut of Box+++
LG J.Berry
+++RCB B.FullerOut of Box+++
C B.Stevenson
+++NB B.CodekeOut of Box+++
RG B.Wynn
+++SS G.SidhartaOut of Box+++
RT J.Woods
+++FS J.BuelOut of Box+++
4-11-MIN28 (4Q: 06:02) Broderick Hillman attempted a 45 yard field goal and missed wide to the right.
1-10-MIN35 (4Q: 05:56) Wally Hargrove pass completed to FB Oscar Lerma for 8 yards. Tackled by S Les Holmes. The quarterback threw away from the double coverage.
OFFENSE212 Personnel, Pro formation, ShotgunDEFENSE34 Eagle, Regular Personnel, Press-2
QB W.Hargrove
***LDE R.BennettRush Passer+++
X(SE) C.OlivasOutlet, 8 Post (19-26)+++1tcDT S.JohannsonRush Passer+++
TE G.SmallOutlet, 7 Corner (19-26)+++RDE C.MartinezRush Passer---
Z(FL) D.ComegysSecondary, 4 Curl (9-12)+++SLB E.McDanielShort Zone+++
RB A.RiceProtect+++SILB D.GrieseBlitz Passer+++
FB O.LermaPrimary, 3 Comeback (9-12)+++WILB E.CollierShort Zone+++
LT G.Harner
+++WLB A.CzajkowskiShort Zone+++
LG F.Berger
+++LCB A.KershawBump and Run+++
C D.Delhomme
+++RCB L.HolmesBump and Run+++
RG D.Newman
+++SS M.ReedDeep Zone+++
RT M.Manard
---FS D.WebbDouble TE+++
2-2-MIN43 (4Q: 05:33) Wally Hargrove pass was dropped by WR Diego Comegys. The quarterback threw away from the double coverage.
OFFENSE212 Personnel, Strong formationDEFENSE34 Eagle, Regular Personnel, Press-2
QB W.Hargrove
***LDE R.BennettRush Passer+++
X(SE) C.OlivasOutlet, 1 Out (5-8)+++1tcDT S.JohannsonRush Passer+++
TE G.SmallProtect+++RDE C.MartinezRush Passer+++
Z(FL) D.ComegysPrimary, 8 Post (19-26)---SLB E.McDanielShort Zone+++
RB A.RiceSecondary, F Flat (0-4)+++SILB D.GrieseShort Zone+++
FB O.LermaOutlet, 0 Dig (0-4)+++WILB E.CollierDouble TE+++
LT G.Harner
+++WLB A.CzajkowskiBlitz Passer+++
LG F.Berger
+++LCB A.KershawBump and Run+++
C D.Delhomme
+++RCB L.HolmesBump and Run+++
RG D.Newman
+++SS M.ReedDeep Zone+++
RT M.Manard
---FS D.WebbDeep Zone+++
3-2-MIN43 (4Q: 05:25) Wally Hargrove pass fell incomplete, intended for WR Claude Olivas. S Mo Reed defended the pass.
OFFENSE113 Personnel, I formationDEFENSE34 Eagle, Nickel Personnel, Press-1
QB W.Hargrove
***LDE R.BennettRush Passer+++
X(SE) C.OlivasPrimary, 5 Deep Out (13-18)+++1tcDT S.JohannsonRush Passer+++
TE G.SmallOutlet, 0 Dig (0-4)+++RDE C.MartinezRush Passer+++
Z(FL) D.ComegysOutlet, 4 Curl (9-12)+++SLB E.McDanielBump and Run+++
RB A.RiceProtect+++SILB D.GrieseBlitz Passer+++
SLOT C.FarmerSecondary, 2 Slant (5-8)---WLB E.CollierSpy on QB+++
LT G.Harner
+++LCB A.CzajkowskiBlitz Passer+++
LG F.Berger
+++RCB A.KershawBump and Run+++
C D.Delhomme
+++NB L.HolmesBump and Run+++
RG D.Newman
+++SS M.ReedBump and Run+++
RT M.Manard
+++FS D.WebbDeep Zone+++
4-2-MIN43 (4Q: 05:16) Play-Action. Wally Hargrove pass fell incomplete, intended for TE Gary Small. DE Caiden Martinez hurried the quarterback into a bad throw. The ball goes over on downs. Minnesota's Dylan Delhomme was hurt on the play.
OFFENSE113 Personnel, Strong formationDEFENSE34 Eagle, Nickel Personnel, Press-1
QB W.Hargrove
***LDE R.BennettRush Passer+++
X(SE) C.OlivasSecondary, 1 Out (5-8)+++1tcDT S.JohannsonRush Passer+++
TE G.SmallPrimary, 4 Curl (9-12)+++RDE C.MartinezRush Passer+++
Z(FL) D.ComegysOutlet, 0 Dig (0-4)+++SLB E.McDanielBump and Run+++
RB A.RiceOutlet, S Screen (S)+++SILB D.GrieseBlitz Passer+++
SLOT C.FarmerOutlet, 2 Slant (5-8)+++WLB E.CollierBlitz Passer+++
LT G.Harner
+++LCB A.CzajkowskiSpy on QB+++
LG F.Berger
+++RCB A.KershawBump and Run+++
C D.Delhomme
+++NB L.HolmesBump and Run+++
RG D.Newman
+++SS M.ReedBump and Run+++
RT M.Manard
+++FS D.WebbDeep Zone+++
1-10-MIN43 (4Q: 05:10) Avery Harmon ran around the left tackle for 2 yards. Tackled by S Bradley Codeke.
OFFENSE113 Personnel, I formationDEFENSE43 Under, Nickel Personnel, Cover-1
QB D.Sweeney
***LDE L.HartmanIn Box+++
X(SE) M.King
+++1tcDT R.FoxIn Box+++
TE D.Sharber
+++3tcDT D.ZoellnerIn Box+++
Z(FL) P.Ogden
+++RDE M.SheaIn Box+++
RB A.HarmonBall Carrier+++MLB A.RaffoIn Box+++
SLOT C.Gaines
+++WLB R.RodgersIn Box+++
LT E.Pierzina
---LCB D.ReidOut of Box+++
LG J.Berry
+++RCB B.FullerOut of Box+++
C B.Stevenson
+++NB B.CodekeOut of Box+++
RG B.Wynn
+++SS G.SidhartaOut of Box+++
RT J.Woods
+++FS J.BuelOut of Box+++
2-8-MIN41 (4Q: 04:27) Avery Harmon ran around the left tackle for 3 yards. Tackled by DT Drake Zoellner, assisted by OLB Robert Rodgers.
OFFENSE113 Personnel, I formationDEFENSE43 Under, Nickel Personnel, Man to Man
QB D.Sweeney
***LDE L.HartmanIn Box+++
X(SE) M.King
+++1tcDT R.FoxIn Box+++
TE D.Sharber
+++3tcDT D.ZoellnerIn Box+++
Z(FL) P.Ogden
+++RDE M.SheaIn Box---
RB A.HarmonBall Carrier+++MLB A.RaffoIn Box+++
SLOT C.Gaines
+++WLB R.RodgersIn Box+++
LT E.Pierzina
+++LCB D.ReidOut of Box+++
LG J.Berry
+++RCB B.FullerOut of Box+++
C B.Stevenson
+++NB B.CodekeOut of Box+++
RG B.Wynn
+++SS G.SidhartaOut of Box+++
RT J.Woods
+++FS J.BuelOut of Box+++
3-5-MIN38 (4Q: 03:42) Avery Harmon ran inside the left tackle for 6 yards. Tackled by DT Drake Zoellner. Key block delivered by Bubba Wynn.
OFFENSE113t Personnel, Strong formationDEFENSE43 Under, Nickel Personnel, Cover-3 Sky
QB D.Sweeney
***LDE L.HartmanIn Box+++
X(SE) M.King
+++1tcDT R.FoxIn Box+++
TE D.Sharber
+++3tcDT D.ZoellnerIn Box+++
Z(FL) P.Ogden
+++RDE M.SheaIn Box+++
RB A.HarmonBall Carrier+++MLB A.RaffoIn Box+++
SLOT C.Gaines
+++WLB R.RodgersIn Box+++
LT E.Pierzina
+++LCB D.ReidOut of Box+++
LG J.Berry
+++RCB B.FullerOut of Box+++
C B.Stevenson
+++NB B.CodekeOut of Box+++
RG B.Wynn
+++SS G.SidhartaOut of Box+++
RT J.Woods
+++FS J.BuelOut of Box+++
1-10-MIN32 (4Q: 02:55) Avery Harmon ran around the left tackle for 7 yards. Tackled by OLB Robert Rodgers, assisted by DT Drake Zoellner. Key block delivered by Brendan Stevenson.
OFFENSE113 Personnel, I formationDEFENSE43 Under, Nickel Personnel, Man to Man
QB D.Sweeney
***LDE L.HartmanIn Box+++
X(SE) M.King
+++1tcDT R.FoxIn Box+++
TE D.Sharber
+++3tcDT D.ZoellnerIn Box+++
Z(FL) P.Ogden
+++RDE M.SheaIn Box+++
RB A.HarmonBall Carrier+++MLB A.RaffoIn Box+++
SLOT C.Gaines
+++WLB R.RodgersIn Box+++
LT E.Pierzina
+++LCB D.ReidOut of Box+++
LG J.Berry
+++RCB B.FullerOut of Box+++
C B.Stevenson
+++NB B.CodekeOut of Box+++
RG B.Wynn
+++SS G.SidhartaOut of Box---
RT J.Woods
+++FS J.BuelOut of Box+++
Minnesota called a time out.
2-3-MIN25 (4Q: 02:43) Avery Harmon ran inside the left tackle for 0 yards. Tackled by DT Roderick Fox. The ball was fumbled and recovered by HOU Chester Gaines for 4 yards to the MIN21. Tackled by James Buel.
OFFENSE203 Personnel, I formationDEFENSE43 Under, Nickel Personnel, Cover-2
QB D.Sweeney
***LDE L.HartmanIn Box+++
X(SE) M.King
+++1tcDT R.FoxIn Box+++
SLOT P.Ogden
+++3tcDT D.ZoellnerIn Box+++
Z(FL) C.Gaines
+++RDE M.SheaIn Box+++
RB A.HarmonBall Carrier---MLB A.RaffoIn Box+++
FB E.Adderley
+++WLB R.RodgersIn Box+++
LT E.Pierzina
+++LCB D.ReidOut of Box+++
LG J.Berry
+++RCB B.FullerOut of Box+++
C B.Stevenson
+++NB B.CodekeOut of Box+++
RG B.Wynn
+++SS G.SidhartaOut of Box+++
RT J.Woods
+++FS J.BuelOut of Box+++
Minnesota called a time out.
1-10-MIN21 (4Q: 02:36) Avery Harmon ran around right end for 8 yards. Tackled by DT Roderick Fox. Key block delivered by Brendan Stevenson.
OFFENSE113t Personnel, Weak formation, ShotgunDEFENSE43 Under, Nickel Personnel, Press-2
QB D.Sweeney
***LDE L.HartmanIn Box+++
X(SE) M.King
+++1tcDT R.FoxIn Box+++
TE D.Sharber
+++3tcDT D.ZoellnerIn Box+++
Z(FL) P.Ogden
+++RDE M.SheaIn Box+++
RB A.HarmonBall Carrier+++MLB A.RaffoIn Box+++
SLOT C.Gaines
+++WLB R.RodgersIn Box+++
LT E.Pierzina
+++LCB D.ReidOut of Box---
LG J.Berry
+++RCB B.FullerOut of Box+++
C B.Stevenson
+++NB B.CodekeOut of Box---
RG B.Wynn
+++SS G.SidhartaOut of Box+++
RT J.Woods
+++FS J.BuelOut of Box+++
Minnesota called a time out.
2-2-MIN13 (4Q: 02:28) Avery Harmon ran around the left tackle for 1 yard. Tackled by DE Mason Shea.
OFFENSE113 Personnel, I formationDEFENSE43 Under, Nickel Personnel, Man to Man
QB D.Sweeney
***LDE L.HartmanIn Box+++
X(SE) M.King
+++1tcDT R.FoxIn Box+++
TE D.Sharber
+++3tcDT D.ZoellnerIn Box+++
Z(FL) P.Ogden
+++RDE M.SheaIn Box+++
RB A.HarmonBall Carrier+++MLB A.RaffoIn Box+++
SLOT C.Gaines
+++WLB R.RodgersIn Box+++
LT E.Pierzina
+++LCB D.ReidOut of Box+++
LG J.Berry
---RCB B.FullerOut of Box+++
C B.Stevenson
+++NB B.CodekeOut of Box+++
RG B.Wynn
+++SS G.SidhartaOut of Box+++
RT J.Woods
+++FS J.BuelOut of Box+++
Official time out for the two-minute warning.
3-1-MIN12 (4Q: 02:00) Avery Harmon ran around right end for 0 yards. Tackled by OLB Axel Raffo.
OFFENSE113t Personnel, Weak formation, ShotgunDEFENSE43 Under, Nickel Personnel, Man to Man, Buzz
QB D.Sweeney
***LDE L.HartmanIn Box+++
X(SE) M.King
+++1tcDT R.FoxIn Box+++
TE D.Sharber
+++3tcDT D.ZoellnerIn Box---
Z(FL) P.Ogden
+++RDE M.SheaIn Box+++
RB A.HarmonBall Carrier+++MLB A.RaffoIn Box+++
SLOT C.Gaines
+++WLB R.RodgersIn Box+++
LT E.Pierzina
+++LCB J.HamptonOut of Box+++
LG J.Berry
+++RCB D.ReidOut of Box+++
C B.Stevenson
+++NB B.FullerOut of Box+++
RG B.Wynn
+++SS B.CodekeIn Box+++
RT J.Woods
+++FS G.SidhartaOut of Box+++
4-1-MIN12 (4Q: 01:14) Broderick Hillman attempted a 29 yard field goal and succeeded. Houston 22, Minnesota 7
(4Q: 01:07) Broderick Hillman kicked off 70 yards from the HOU35. Touchback.
1-10-MIN25 (4Q: 01:07) Wally Hargrove pass completed to FB Oscar Lerma for 1 yard. Tackled by S Damon Webb.
OFFENSE023 PersonnelDEFENSE34 Eagle, Dime Personnel, Cover-3 Cloud
QB W.Hargrove
***LDE R.BennettRush Passer+++
X(SE) C.OlivasOutlet, 0 Dig (0-4)+++1tcDT S.JohannsonRush Passer+++
TE G.SmallOutlet, W Wheel (9-18)+++RDE C.MartinezRush Passer+++
Z(FL) D.ComegysOutlet, 5 Deep Out (13-18)+++SLB E.McDanielShort Zone+++
SLOT C.FarmerSecondary, 0 Dig (0-4)+++WLB A.CzajkowskiShort Zone+++
TE O.LermaPrimary, S Screen (S)+++LCB A.KershawMan-to-Man---
LT G.Harner
---RCB L.HolmesShort Zone+++
LG F.Berger
+++NB J.AdlerBlitz Passer+++
C H.Maldonado
+++DB G.HallDeep Zone+++
RG D.Newman
+++SS M.ReedDeep Zone---
RT M.Manard
+++FS D.WebbDeep Zone+++
2-9-MIN26 (4Q: 00:50) Wally Hargrove spiked the ball to stop the clock.
3-9-MIN26 (4Q: 00:47) Wally Hargrove scrambled for 10 yards. Tackled by CB James Adler.
OFFENSE005 PersonnelDEFENSE34 Eagle, Dime Personnel, Cover-3 Cloud
QB W.Hargrove
***LDE R.BennettRush Passer+++
X(SE) C.OlivasSecondary, 2 Slant (5-8)+++1tcDT S.JohannsonRush Passer+++
SLOT D.ComegysOutlet, 9 Fade (27-39)+++RDE C.MartinezRush Passer+++
Z(FL) C.FarmerPrimary, 3 Comeback (9-12)---SLB E.McDanielShort Zone+++
SLOT A.RiceOutlet, S Screen (S)+++WLB A.CzajkowskiBlitz Passer+++
SLOT R.RodgersOutlet, 4 Curl (9-12)+++LCB A.KershawMan-to-Man+++
LT G.Harner
+++RCB L.HolmesShort Zone+++
LG F.Berger
+++NB J.AdlerShort Zone+++
C H.Maldonado
+++DB G.HallDeep Zone+++
RG D.Newman
+++SS M.ReedDeep Zone+++
RT M.Manard
---FS D.WebbDeep Zone+++
1-10-MIN36 (4Q: 00:17) Wally Hargrove spiked the ball to stop the clock.
2-10-MIN36 (4Q: 00:14) Play-Action. Wally Hargrove pass completed to WR Claude Olivas for 12 yards. Tackled by CB James Adler.
OFFENSE203 Personnel, Pro formation, ShotgunDEFENSE34 Eagle, Dime Personnel, Cover-3 Cloud
QB W.Hargrove
***LDE R.BennettRush Passer+++
X(SE) C.OlivasPrimary, 6 Deep In (13-18)+++1tcDT S.JohannsonRush Passer+++
SLOT D.ComegysOutlet, 4 Curl (9-12)+++RDE C.MartinezRush Passer---
Z(FL) C.FarmerOutlet, S Screen (S)+++SLB E.McDanielShort Zone+++
RB A.RiceSecondary, 0 Dig (0-4)+++WLB A.CzajkowskiBlitz Passer+++
FB O.LermaOutlet, 1 Out (5-8)+++LCB A.KershawMan-to-Man+++
LT G.Harner
+++RCB L.HolmesShort Zone+++
LG F.Berger
+++NB J.AdlerShort Zone+++
C H.Maldonado
+++DB G.HallDeep Zone+++
RG D.Newman
+++SS M.ReedDeep Zone+++
RT M.Manard
+++FS D.WebbDeep Zone+++
Final Score: Houston Texans 22, Minnesota Vikings 7

Informal Player Participation Grades

MinnesotaPlus (+++)Minus (---)Grade
C Freddie Berger250100%
WR J.R. Nardi180100%
WR Brendan Branch20100%
OLB Santiago Wyche140100%
CB Jace Barker150100%
TE Gary Small29197%
T Don Newman51296%
S Brayden Fuller73396%
G Grant Harner24196%
FB Oscar Lerma20195%
CB Marc Hopper17194%
RB Anthony Rice32294%
OLB Axel Raffo45394%
CB James Buel14193%
S Darrin Reid69593%
DE Donald Fruth13193%
C Erik Lake26293%
CB Gus Sidharta62593%
OLB Robert Rodgers59592%
DE Lance Hartman57592%
DT Roderick Fox57592%
CB Alfred Mulhollon11192%
S Bradley Codeke53591%
WR Howie Ford10191%
DT Drake Zoellner47590%
RB Ricardo Rodgers16289%
ILB Devan D'Amato16289%
DE Joe Bob Hampton15288%
G Dylan Delhomme44688%
DE Mason Shea50788%
WR Deon Haworth14288%
WR Diego Comegys27487%
TE Craig Legette6186%
DT Phil Sell16384%
DT Darrin Butts16384%
WR Claude Olivas26584%
ILB Cornell Beyer46984%
WR Camden Farmer22581%
C Harry Maldonado25681%
T Marquis Manard411277%
TE Jaylen Waite13668%
HoustonPlus (+++)Minus (---)Grade
FB Elliot Adderley150100%
S Damon Webb340100%
CB Gene Hall160100%
DT Kirk Floyd10100%
TE Giovanni Person70100%
DE Joey Sampson70100%
DE Donald Rodman250100%
OLB Max King80100%
ILB Dale Griese410100%
TE Dominique Sharber71199%
RB Avery Harmon48198%
S Les Holmes44198%
T Jerry Woods40198%
S Mo Reed35197%
G Micah Bernard34197%
WR Chester Gaines57297%
DE Alec Czajkowski25196%
C Brendan Stevenson73396%
WR Carlton Blalock20195%
WR Matt King53395%
CB Alejandro Kulaga17194%
OLB Eric McDaniel48394%
DT Steve Johannson41393%
CB James Adler40393%
CB Damien Enman13193%
G Jumbo Berry70692%
ILB Emmitt Collier23292%
S Artie Kershaw43491%
WR Philip Ogden64691%
T Dean Cochrane32391%
DE Rod Bennett42491%
T Bubba Wynn68889%
TE Amir Castillo8189%
DT Clarence Williamson7188%
RB Willie Dodge14288%
DE Caiden Martinez24486%
G Ernie Pierzina35685%
OLB Mack Benton17385%
RB Nicky Castillo4267%